腹腔鏡疝氣手術 Laparoscopic Herniorraphy for Inguinal Hernia Feng-Chuan Tai, MD Department of General Surgery, Cathay General Hospital 一般外科 戴鋒泉 醫師
The Most Common Types of Inguinal Hernia v Indirect Inguinal Hernia v Direct Inguinal Hernia v Femoral Hernia
Inguinal Anatomy as Viewed Through a Laparoscope v Inferior Epigastric Vessels v Spermatic Vessels v Vas Deferens v Triangle of Doom v Internal Ring v Illiopubic Tract Cooper ’ s Ligament Hesselbach ’ s Triangle v Femoral Canal v Inguinal Canal v Conjoined Tendon v Aponeurosis of Fascia
Trendelenburg Position & Trocar Site
Three Current Techniques of Laparoscopic Herniorrhaphy v Transabdominal Preperitoneal (TAPP) v Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh (IPOM) v Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP)