Social, Environmental and Political Tensions caused by Globalisation


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Presentation transcript:

Social, Environmental and Political Tensions caused by Globalisation By the end of this lesson you will have: Understood the varying social, environmental and political tensions which arise from globalisation Considered what your own thoughts with regards to these issues Applied your knowledge of these tensions to case studies

Globalisation – Enquiry Question 3 What are the consequences of globalisation for global development and the physical environment and how should different players respond to its challenges? 3.8 Social, political and environmental tensions have resulted from the rapidity of global change caused by globalisation. 3.8a. Open borders, deregulation and encouragement of foreign direct investment has created culturally mixed societies and thriving migrant diasporas in some locations, but tensions have resulted elsewhere (Rise of extremism in Europe, Trans-boundary water conflicts). 3.8b. Attempts have been made in some locations to control the spread of globalisation by censorship (China, North Korea), limiting immigration (UK, Japan) and trade protectionism. (P: role of government) (A: attitudes of pro- and anti-immigration groups) 3.8c. Some groups seek to retain their cultural identity within countries and seek to retain control of culture and physical resources (First Nations in Canada), whereas others embrace its economic advantages.

Migration within Europe Freedom of movement within the EU began in some form after the second world war (1950s) In 2004 the freedom of movement act was passed When Eastern European and central European countries joined the EU in the 2000s, this led to post-accession migration This affected the UK: 1million Eastern Europeans moved to the UK and the UKs population grew by 5million between 2004 and 2015 TASK: Analyse the map (fig 14.11) on page 203. What can it tell you about the ‘British diaspora’ in the EU?

What ‘Ethno-Scape’?

What/Whose ‘Ethno-Scape’?

What/Whose ‘Ethno-Scape’?

Social Tensions Caused by Migration As you are watching the documentary, make notes on the following: Panorama in Blackburn Social problems and tensions caused by migration Where cultural mixing works Things that offend/shock/insult me

Tensions in London TNCs encourage migration into the UK (particularly London) as this increases competitiveness and keeps London as a global hub Often TNCs have offices in many countries and they want the employees to move freely between the offices TNCs want to de-regulate migration but many other Londoners feel different Many Londoners feel that the cultural change has gone too far

Reciprocal Reading In your groups, read the newspaper article about London’s melting pot of culture Newspaper Article Reader – Reads each paragraph aloud Summariser – At the end of each paragraph, summarise the information to help everyone make brief notes in their work books Clarifier – Uses the dictionary to look up any words that you don’t fully understand Speaker – Use the notes to feed back to the class

Legislation against Global Flows Governments try and prevent global flows of people, goods and information Some governments have migrant limitations are put in place, however illegal immigration and refugees fall outside of these boundaries Some governments block online information, however the dark web is harder to control Some governments still have trade protectionism, despite the efforts of the Bretton woods institutions to ban this. However, the smuggling of illegal commodities is very hard to control TASK: Analyse the ‘global flows and illegal flows’ chart with your partner. What are the benefits and disadvantages of both prohibited or illegal flows?

Resource Nationalism and Protecting Cultures ‘Resource nationalism’ is where state governments take measures to ensure that domestic (home grown) industries and consumers have priority access to their national resources This could be governments making sure that their citizens have easier access to minerals / oils / mined materials / plantation products. Governments may put restrictions in order to prevent too much foreign trade with such resources For example, until recently China had restrictions on rare earth exports, despite Japan, EU and USA all complaining to the WTO Task: Do you think countries have a duty to share their rare earth resources with other countries?

Case Study Application Each group needs to look at their own case study which talks about TENSIONS which result from globalisation: ‘Extremism in Europe’ ‘Internet censorship in China and North Korea’ ‘Migration controls in the UK’ ‘First nations in Canada’ Using your tablets, each group needs to create a mind map about their case study. Please use your tablets to source EXTRA information about your topic

Social, Environmental and Political Tensions caused by Globalisation By the end of this lesson you will have: Understood the varying social, environmental and political tensions which arise from globalisation Considered what your own thoughts with regards to these issues Applied your knowledge of these tensions to case studies