Perkins Coordinator’s Meeting MPS Math-in-CTE & A Construction/Geometry Course Model at Roosevelt High School Wendie Palazzo Godfrey Edafereirhi Mike Lindstrom November 2013 Perkins Coordinator’s Meeting
NRCCTE Math-in-CTE Model: Pairs Math and CTE Teachers – 10 Days PD
Find the Math Embedded in CTE
Develop the Math/CTE Lesson
Review the Traditional Mathematics
A Solid Connection to the MN and CCSS for Math: www.scimathmn/stemtc
Geometry & Construction Year 1 Model (2011-2012): 1 math teacher + 1 construction teacher 2 hour block of time each day for a year 1 section of students Common planning time Both teachers are present for all of class time (a traditional “team-taught” approach) NRCCTE Math-in-CTE model also used
Course Demographics
Demographics of 2011/2012 Geometry and Construction Course at Roosevelt High School
MAP Math National Growth Tables (2005)
Fall to Spring MAP Math Geometry Strand Growth (2 Fall to Spring MAP Math Geometry Strand Growth (2.8 points is typical growth nationally)
Fall to Spring MAP Math Overall Growth
The next Phase: Year Three (2013/14): Content on Demand Math-in-CTE alumni brought back for 7 days of PD and continued lesson development All lesson plans and activity files stored and shared via Google Drive Seeking “critical mass” of math lessons Measurement options: MAP test MCA ACT/Plan/Explore District Common Assessments Alignment with a math course is an issue with integrated math…
The next Phase: Year Three (2013/14): Content on Demand (continued) Videos of critical demonstrations are being created Max target video length of 5 minutes Software: Snag-It for Mac or PC applications Explain Everything for iPad iPads provided for capturing math lessons Dedicated district video server – V-Brick, makes content available 24/7 both inside and outside of district
STEM 1.0 - The First Step… Quality, Standards-based Courses in All 4 Areas Lindstrom, 2009
STEM 2.0 - The Ultimate Goal… Integrated STEM for ALL Students Lindstrom, 2009
Questions and Contacts Wendie Palazzo – MPS CTE Director 612-668-0652 Godfrey Edaferierhi – MPS CTE 612-668-0656 Mike Lindstrom, Ed.D. – MPS Consultant 612-209-1739