Peace Studies Refugees Problem in Peace Studies Professor Y. Maeda Takako Nasu - 1501114 Junior Menezes – 1435205
Refugees and Peace Studies Agenda Background Refugees and Peace Studies Conclusion Discussion Questions
Past, Present, and Future Background
What is refugee? Definition of refugee A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. (UNHCR) Definition of immigrants An immigrant is someone who chooses to resettle to another country. (CNN 2014)
Background -Past- There are two main reasons UK’s ‘triple-dealing diplomacy’ UN’s tactless solution
‘Triple-dealing diplomacy’ UK made three lies to France, Arab, and Jewish ① The Hussein-McMahon Correspondence (Arab) ② Sykes-Picot Agreement (France) ③ Balfour Declaration (Jewish)
①The Hussein-McMahon Correspondence (1915) We want you to revel against to the Ottoman Empire… We want our own country… Arab Kingdom Break the Ottoman Empire
②Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) Let’s divide Arab countries !!
②Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916) Let’s divide Arab countries !!
③Balfour Declaration (1917) Admit to build your(Jewish) own country!
UN’s Solution UN showed a solution which was called United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine This plan was overwhelmingly disadvantageous for Palestinian. This solution caused Arab-Israeli Wars four times.
Background What is the problem now?
Background What are the future predictions? Africa (Egypt / Nigeria) 10% / 10M European Union Reaction Mistakes / Consequences Donald Trump lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwhLC9xc7QAhWEUrwKHSm6BlAQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=refugee+child+on+beach+illustration&imgrc=tCwweNbAxu2VeM%3A
Background Turkey Crimes(Cologne) Brexit Germany Angela Merkel’s reputation Anti-Immigrant Alternative Party Turkey Crimes(Cologne) Brexit
Background Accept three Syrian out of 63 Syrian after 2011 Japan Accept three Syrian out of 63 Syrian after 2011 ☆Deterioration of security But… Lack of the working population
Refugees and Peace Studies What can we learn through Peace Studies theories? Negative and Positive Peace Structural Violence (e.g. dying crossing the oceans) Direct/Indirect Violence (e.g. the war / having to leave their country) Cultural Violence (e.g. the way refugees are seeing now)
Refugees and Peace Studies Can Peace Studies actually help? Using the theories to understand the conflicts. Look for solutions (Integrative Solutions) Change the perspective for a more humane perspective Individual / Community Action
Conclusion The refugee crisis is a complex problem that needs urgent international, governamental, and cooperational attention. Countries should united together in order to resolve such conflicts. The theories of Peace Studies help us to understand the issue better and also how to take actions towars solving them.
Questions What can be done to solve the refugees problem? Come up with at least one feasible solution. In which ways can Peace Studies contribute to solving the refugee problem? What could Germany have done to avoid the problems they are facing now with their refugees? How could Japan cooperate in this matter?
References BBC (2016 March, 4). Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in seven charts. Retrieved The Telegraph (2016 March, 15). Angela Merkel's historic error on immigration. Retrieved from /germany/angela-merkel/12193876/Angela-Merkels-historic-error-on- immigration.html RT (2016 Jan, 16) ‘Biggest refugee inflow still ahead': 10mn could come to Europe – German minister. Retrieved from future-europe-germany/ Blogs, (2016) How is the situation of accepting refugees? Available from:
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