Plan! 1. Using prep time effectively 2. Case construction 3. Thinking of arguments 4. Info about trials
Prep time 5-10 minutes: walk to debate room, individual thinking/ brainstorm time minutes: share your ideas, no interruptions minutes: discussion and case construction 25 – 30 minutes: writing out any left over notes 30 minutes: debate!
Prep time Start thinking about the topic immediately Listen patiently to your team mates ideas Be open to changing your mind Take good notes during discussion time Have someone keep an eye on the time
Case construction (broadly) Problem Solution Principle Last week…
Case construction in depth Prepping properly – a formula This week…
Case construction - Individual prep 1. Why is this a thing? Why are we having this debate What is the context? What is the imperative? Is there a problem we need to solve? 2. What is our solution? Definition Model Stance
Case construction - Individual prep 3. Who are we in this debate? Core principles/ values? Ideology? Philosophy? Eg. Clash between individual freedom and group rights pro individual freedom = Liberalism Put more simply – what would John Rawls say?
Know who you are… Harm minimisation and government regulation OR Libertarian Why cant you be both? Universal rights Cosmopolitanism Can you be both? Affirmative: That we should legalise drugs Affirmative: This house supports humanitarian intervention
Case construction - Individual prep 3. What is the clash? What are the core principles/ values of the opp? Eg. Individual freedom vs group rights/ state intervention = Liberalism vs. Utilitarianism vs. Communitarianism vs. Socialism 4. List your arguments (finally!) 5. Rebuttal ideas
Team case construction – template! Take those 6 steps, discuss them and put them together into a case 1. Context/Imperative 2. Definition and Model 3. Team Values/ World View 4. Clash of the debate 5. Arguments – aim for 4/5 6. Rebuttal
Cant think of 4 arguments? Forgotten Stakeholders: Who are the stakeholders? Who would benefit/who might be harmed? Counter-intuitive arguments: What are the main arguments against the proposal and what assumptions do they rely on? Outcomes of your case? What will the community reaction be? Will there be a backlash? What will the practical effects be immediately? What will the long term consequences be? How does this affect other countries?
Arguments to avoid Any argument that its just wrong Eg. Polygamy, incest Doesnt mean you cant use morality but needs to be thought through further with analysis Their model just wont practically work There is a fine distinction between a good & reasonable argument on efficacy and a crap & petty argument on practicality Eg: Good to say a proposal to fix Zimbabwe by assassinating Mugabe wont work because the nature of politics there means someone will just take his spot, not so good to say it wont work because no government would do it, or he would be hard to find an kill
Arguments to avoid Opportunity Cost Arguments: ie. we shouldnt do this because it will cost lots of money that could go to other stuff like health and education However.. There is a place for this type of argument but it needs to be targeted – specific to the debate The alternative use of money is mutually exclusive with the other teams model and will solve the problem Eg. legalising drugs is a good idea because instead of wasting money on a war on drugs we can help addicts and actually reduce demand, better solving the problem
Tips for trials Dont stress Dont be a selfish team member, share your ideas with the people speaking before you Judges can tell when you are being a little biatch Keep an eye on the basics, structure & timing You are allowed to use a timing device
Trials Admin We will you with the list of teams and judges by tomorrow You must confirm you attendance by this Friday the 16 th of March You must pay registration by the 27 th of March, $355 if you have sponsorship and $485 for everyone else NOTE: Once you have confirmed your attendance you are committing to being a part of the contingent and will be expected to pay your registration in the event you pull out last minute.
THANKS Good luck with trials