TSPE Leadership Conference Chapter Leader Roundtable President/President-Elect TSPE Leadership Conference September 2012 John – Welcome to all Different format than last weeks general information Webinar, this one is meant to be a roundtable discussion specifically around the role of the Presidents and President-Elects and best practices for those positions Housekeeping: Identify yourself by name and chapter before speaking Speak clearly Try not to talk over others/we want everyone to have the opportunity to speak if they want If we have issues with your audio connection we may have to mute you, but you will be able to type questions from your screen If you have difficulty establishing an audio connection through your computer microphone, you can dial in by telephone using the phone number and access code provided on the reminder e-mail. If you dial in by phone, it is best to mute your computer microphone We will be recording this webinar
Agenda Overview of Role Roundtable Discussion Critical Topics Discussion John – review objective of session, agenda and rules
Role of the Chapter President Official representative/spokesperson for the chapter Receive important information for your chapter Appoint committee chairs and establish a process for accountability with chapter officers and committee chairs Provide names of potential leaders to the state for committees, officers, etc. John
Roundtable Discussion How have you and/or prior Chapter Presidents communicated with your members and engaged them in chapter activities? What has worked well? What has not worked so well? John – lead discussion
Roundtable Discussion What roles have you and/or prior Chapter Presidents played in recruiting and retaining new chapter members? John – lead discussion
Roundtable Discussion How have you and/or prior Chapter Presidents planned for and selected committee volunteers? How is volunteer leadership recruited and/or cultivated in your chapter? John – lead discussion
Roundtable Discussion As Chapter President, you are the primary point of contact with the state organization. What have you and/or prior Chapter Presidents done to maintain open communication with the state organization? What could the state organization do to improve its communication with you? John – lead discussion
Roundtable Discussion What is the state organization currently doing that best supports you in your role as Chapter President or President Elect? What else could the state organization do that would help you excel in your role? John – lead discussion
Roundtable Discussion Do you have any specific goals for your chapter this year? What can the state organization do to help you achieve those goals? John – lead discussion
CRITICAL TOPICS SUMMARY IRS Compliance Unrelated Business Income Tax TSPE vs. TEF – Sales Tax Exemption Donation Acknowledgements Continuing Education Credits Political Candidates & Texas Ethics Commission Compliance PACE vs. TSPE Legislative Efforts TSPE Logo Trish
CONCLUSION John – Thanks for attending today’s webinar. The entire discussion as well as the general Chapter Leader Webinar have been recorded and will be posted on the TSPE website for you reference.
Contact Information John Ho, PE – State President jho@huitt-zollars.com Joe Rapier, PE – State President-Elect jrapier@team-psc.com Trish Smith, CAE – TSPE Executive Director trish@tspe.org 512/472-9286 Claire Black – TSPE Deputy Executive Director claire@tspe.org John – Discuss the success of last year’s calls with Chapter Presidents and ask if this would be of value. Scheduled every other month. Discuss options for dates or ask if a Doodle is preferred for best week of the month and best days of the week. Feel free to reach out to me, your TSPE State President, John Ho, your State President-Elect Joe Rapier, Trish Smith or Claire Black if you have any questions or need further information or guidance.