Church Financial Network 2017 Per Capita
Kicking and Screaming into the 21st Century Bringing Per Capita Kicking and Screaming into the 21st Century
1818 President: James Monroe
1818 Andrew Jackson:
1818 GA in Philadelphia Gambling, Dancing, Slavery
1818 GA in Philadelphia 1818 Dollars: $2,041.47
1868 President: Andrew Johnson
1868 GA Harrisburg, PA Reunion and Seminary Funding
1868 GA Harrisburg, PA 1868 Dollars: $8,255.57
1918 President: Woodrow Wilson WW I ends Last Carolina Parakeet
1918 GA Columbus OH 1918 Dollars: $77,381 2017 Dollars: $1,177,041.88
1968 President: Lyndon Johnson
1968 GA Minneapolis MN 1968 Dollars: $349,700 2017 Dollars: $2,110,118
“Commissioner Travel” Core Per Capita “Commissioner Travel” 1818 to 2018 2017 Dollars
What is the appropriate way to fund a church?
Per Capita Spending
participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of mission; performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church
participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of mission; performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church
Office of the General Assembly administrative costs (86%) Constitutional interpretation Mid council support Immigrant ministry Ecumenical ministry Ordered ministries and vocation Meetings of the General Assembly Presbyterian Historical Society
Office of the General Assembly administrative costs (86%) Presbyterian Mission Agency Administrative costs (14%) Support Services for PMA and OGA
Per Capita Rate
Per Capita Rate
Per Capita Spending
What is are the appropriate ways to fund a church?
The funding of missions demonstrates the unity and interdependence of the church…
The failure of any part of the church to participate in the stewardship of the mission of the whole church diminishes that unity and interdependence. G-3.0106
The failure of any part of the church to participate in the stewardship of the mission of the whole church diminishes that unity and interdependence. G-3.0106
The Presbytery of Newton respectfully overtures the 223rd GA: That the Moderator(s) of GA …. appoint a team … to review the current Per Capita based system of funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, for financial sustainability into the next 10 years.
That the team will accomplish that by identifying the adaptive and technical challenges of sustainability in funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, consulting and receiving feedback/input from the leadership of the Presbyteries, Synods and the OGA as well as the Presbyterian Foundation.
That the Moderator(s) of GA … That the Moderator(s) of GA …. appoint a team … to review the current Per Capita based system of funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, for financial sustainability into the next 10 years. That the team will accomplish that by identifying the adaptive and technical challenges of sustainability in funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, consulting and receiving feedback/input from the leadership of the Presbyteries, Synods and the OGA as well as the Presbyterian Foundation.
In small groups: Identify “adaptive and technical challenges of sustainability in funding the ministry of councils higher than the session”. Identify any potential experiments for funding the Councils of the Church.
Church Financial Network 2017 Per Capita