PREPARING STUDENTS FOR THE OCEAN SCIENCE WORKFORCE A WORKSHOP FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY AT THE 2016 OCEAN SCIENCES MEETING Convener: Jan Hodder, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon This workshop is supported by NSF Grants OCE- 0731338 and DUE-1122640
The American Geoscientist Institute collects information about geoscience programs and students. Their data is not always reflective of the 2YC situation but trends are evident that are probably universal. Probably incomplete data but the take home message is that few specialized oceanography programs . Important to reach students in general programs
From: AGI’s National Geoscience Student Exit Survey 2015 This is more important information – when do students decide to major in the geosciences Before coming to college, first and second year UG – low nos at 2YC may reflect data source From: AGI’s National Geoscience Student Exit Survey 2015
CAREER RESOURCES Where do students get career information? Looking at the BA/Bs degree Personal contacts, faculty referral, and the internet
PARTICIPATION IN GEOSCIENCE CLUBS Two other pieces of data from AGI – the importance of clubs
FIELD EXPERIENCES Impotance of some type of field experience
WHY IS THIS TOPIC IMPORTANT TO US AND THE PROFESSION? WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES TO IMPROVING CAREER PREPARATION ON YOUR CAMPUS? Groups of 4 discuss for ~10 mins Appoint note taker Report out top two thoughts for each question Provide notes to Jan Groups of 4 discuss for ~10 mins Appoint note taker Report out top two thoughts Provide notes to conveners