Alcoholism and why you shouldn’t drink Mikayla Manthiram Speech 1 1/26/2017 6th hour
Introduction Alcohol is a drink that is considered a blessing and a curse. If consumed in moderation, alcohol could actually have some health benefits, as well as providing a relaxing way to have fun. But like most things, too much could be very bad for you and the people around you.
The purpose of this presentation is to inform you about the dangers of alcoholism, and persuade you to not drink in excess.
Background Information Alcoholism is a strong alcohol dependence that causes: craving, loss of control, being unable to stop drinking, physical dependence, and tolerance. Alcoholism is different from alcohol abuse because alcoholism is associated with a physical dependence. 18 million adult Americans have an alcohol use disorder. 2.5 million people die each year from alcohol.
Misconceptions about alcohol Eating before drinking keeps you sober-this does help the body absorb alcohol but it only delays the alcohol’s entrance into the bloodstream, and not completely stops it. You can cure a hangover by drinking more or drinking coffee-this is just prolonging the hangover. Drinking before going to sleep will make you sleep better-this will make you sleep faster but the quality of your sleep will be terrible. Alcohol makes you warm- while it makes you feel warm, your body is actually getting colder. Going out in the cold while intoxicated could lead to hypothermia. Alcohol isn’t the root cause of alcoholism- while alcohol is needed for there to be alcoholism, some people may be born with an alcohol dependency (genetics) or they may be struggling emotionally which would cause the need to be dependent on alcohol.
Health Disadvantages Alcohol is the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Nearly 88,000 people die from alcohol annually. Globally alcohol is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability. Alcohol leads to high blood pressure. Alcohol causes several cancers including: breast, colon, mouth, liver, esophagus, pharynx, and larynx. Alcohol can cause damage to the heart, brain, and stomach. Drinking alcohol can make you more susceptible to diseases and hypothermia.
Financial Disadvantages Alcohol is expensive In 2010, alcohol misuse problems cost the United States $249.0 billion. As an alcoholic you’re always looking for any money so you can drink more. This can take a major toll on you and your family. Those who don’t have money find illegal ways to obtain the money, despite the consequences.
Alcoholism could also harm the people around you Alcohol is known to bring out the worst in people. People under the influence are known to be angrier, which leads to fighting and disputes. Alcohol also affects your reaction time and perception, which is why so many die in drunk driving accidents each year. This could not ruin your family, but someone else’s as well. Alcoholism can also ruin families. The violence that comes from obsessive drinking often leads to domestic violence and child abuse. The financial strain that comes with alcoholism can also drive your family into debt. Children will be left without a mom or dad because they decided alcohol was more important than being there for their kid. And some children may be born mentally or physically disabled, or not born at all, because a mother decided to drink during pregnancy, which causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
Counterargument Some people may think that drinking obsessively is good for you, since drinking alcohol actually has a lot of health benefits, but alcohol is only good for you when you drink it moderately. People also think drinking alcohol is good for you because it helps you forget your stresses and problems. If you feel like you have problems that are weighing you down, alcohol is not a counselor and won’t help you get rid of them. Forgetting the problem is not going to make the problem go away, and drinking to forget is one of the first steps toward alcoholism.
How to not be an Alcoholic Don’t drink alcohol If you do drink, drink moderately (1-2 drinks a day) Set limits for yourself
Who you can go to for help If you’re an alcoholic there are many rehab programs, therapists, outpatient and inpatient programs, and support groups to help you get through an addiction. If you are suffering from knowing an alcoholic, there are many support groups and opportunities for therapy all around the world.
Conclusion Drinking alcohol is only a good idea In moderation. If you think being an alcoholic is fun then you’re wrong. You don’t want to be looked down on for always smelling like alcohol, being out of control of your body, and not being able to monitor your alcohol intake. You don’t want to hurt those around you and closest to you. You don’t want to die from hypothermia, cancer, or alcohol poisoning. And you definitely don’t want to lose what is most important-money. So all in all I encourage you to drink in moderation so you don’t become an alcoholic.
Sources of-drinking-alcoholic-beverages/ alcohol-2014-2 misconceptions-about-alcohol consumption/alcohol-facts-and-statistics