AB394: AN overview January 2016 Provisions of the Bill
Assembly Bill 394 Calls for the reorganization of the Clark County School District Establishes two committees Advisory Committee Technical Advisory Committee Requires the Advisory Committee to develop the plan Requires the County Commission to hold six public input meetings Requires the State Board of Education to adopt necessary regulations
AB394 Advisory Committee “There is hereby created an advisory committee to: (a) Develop a plan and recommendations to reorganize the Clark County School District into local school precincts not later than the 2018-2019 school year. (b) Study the distribution of federal, state and local funds and the impact of local school precincts on public school financing.”
AB394 Advisory Committee Senators Assemblymen/women Michael Roberson, Chair Aaron Ford Joe Hardy Mo Denis Becky Harris Assemblymen/women Olivia Diaz, Vice Chair Lynn Stewart Dina Neal Stephen Silberkraus
AB394 Technical Advisory Committee “To assist the advisory committee with technical expertise, input, advice and assistance, a technical advisory committee is hereby created consisting of the following members:” Councils of each city in Clark County, the Clark County Commission, the Clark County Board of School Trustees, the Latin, Urban, and Asian chambers of commerce, the Clark County Education Association, Nevada PTA, and Governor Sandoval will each appoint a member to serve on the technical advisory committee Other persons with knowledge, experience or expertise in matters pertaining to the advisory committee
AB394 Plan Must be completed by January 1, 2017 Must take into consideration 20 different elements including: Boundaries Capital and bonding Gifts and grants Administration of accounts Real property Liability Interlocal agreements Staffing, contracts and collective bargaining Employee and pupil safety School maintenance Transportation Curriculum, athletics and activities Services and education to ELL, special education and FRL eligible students
AB394 Advisory Committee Hearings Topics CCSD’s Response Financing Capital Projects National Overview by Education Commission of the States Guinn Center Presentation Teacher Production Equity of Funding Distribution CCEA Presentation District and School Structure Empowerment & Flexible Budgets
AB394 TAC Hearings Topics National Overview by Education Commission of the States Guinn Center Presentation Moapa Valley Presentation CCSD Response Financing Capital Projects Capital Funding Equity of Funding Distribution
AB394 Information Advisory Committee Documents http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Interim/78th2015/Committ ee/Studies/CCSD/?ID=34 Technical Advisory Committee Documents http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Interim/78th2015/Committ ee/Studies/CCSDTechAdv/?ID=60