PHED 1 Applied Physiology Q7 – Measuring Intensities AS PE PHED 1 Applied Physiology Q7 – Measuring Intensities
Measuring Intensity Borg Scale – simple rating of how hard the performer thinks their body is working, or Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE). Subjective. Cheap, quick and easy to do. Heart Rate – max HR = 220 minus age. Aerobic (moderate) training; 50-70% max HR Anaerobic (vigorous) training 70-85% max HR
Heart Rate – Karvonen method Another method for calculating target HR zones. Uses HR range (max HR minus resting HR). 5 training zones based on % of that figure (e.g. moderate endurance is 71-80%). Other HR factors to consider: Max HR being 220-age is a generalisation. Stress/dehydration/increased temperature/high altitude will all increase HR.
Measuring Intensity – one rep max Intensity can also be measured in weight training as a % of the individuals one rep max. Intensity can be altered by changing: Amount of weight lifted. Number of reps/sets. Length of rest periods. Only one factor should be increased at a time.