At The Center of Medieval Life Church center of community activity Merchants set up shop around the church. Provides education Explains world events, like storms, disease. What happens when you die? Called the age of faith
Church taking shape Legacies of Rome During the High Middle Ages church organization takes shape. Feudalism divided church bonded together.
Increasing Power 1050 largest landholder in Europe. Power, often Church officials the only ones who could read Latin
Pope Gregory I The first to make the position of the Papacy secular.
Pope Gregory VII Elected in 1073 Reformed Church Forbidding priests to marry Outlawing selling of church offices known as Simony Banned Kings from appointing priests, bishops and heads of monasteries (lay investiture) Henry IV (the king) not happy. Why? Excommunicated the King!!
Showdown at Canossa Here’s the story: Henry IV lost a lot of power when he was excommunicated. HE HAD TO GET IT BACK SO HE…. Stood out side a castle where Pope Gregory was a guest and begged for forgiveness. It was so pathetic the Pope had to forgive him. Who won?
Concordat of Worms Successors continued to fight over lay investiture. Finally 45 years later (1122). Representatives of the church and the emperor met in the German City of Worms and reached a compromise. Church alone can appoint but the emperor could veto.
Education Most education took place in monasteries convents and cathedrals. Clergy were the people most likely to be educated 1200’s cathedral schools gave rise to universities. Both embraced and feared education or the sharing of ideas