Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation in Work Zones Publication No. FHWA-HRT-05-126 Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation in Work Zones Lesson #: 21 Lesson Title: Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation in Work Zones Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to: Cite problems and associated solutions for helping pedestrians and bicyclists navigate work zones. Preinstruction: Ask the class to present the results of their review and critique of the latest version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as it relates to what accommodations are made for pedestrians and bicyclists. Student Participation: Discuss how MUTCD or your State signing manual could be improved to better accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. Followup: Assign reading for lesson 22. Have the students identify some place in your community that they would classify as a pedestrian space. Have them consider why pedestrians congregate in this area and, more specifically, what elements of the place make the location a pedestrian space. Session Time: 20–40 minutes Chapter 21
Lesson Outline Problems of pedestrians and bicyclists in work areas. Work-zone elements that might alleviate the problems. Key Message: Provide the students with an overview of the lesson. Est. Presentation Time: 1 minute Suggested Comments: This slide is optional.
Planning and Design Elements Advance warning and guidance. Illumination and reflectorization. Separation of pedestrians and bicyclists from vehicular traffic. Accommodation of people with disabilities. Key Message: There are several planning and design elements helpful in accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists in work zones. Est. Presentation Time: 5 minutes Suggested Comments: Refer to section 21.4 for further information.
Sidewalk Closure and Pedestrian Detour Example Key Message: Example of sign layout for simple work zone sidewalk closure Est. Presentation Time: 5 minutes Suggested Comments: Refer to section 21.3 for further information. Be sure to consider all types of pedestrians and accessibility issues, ramps, visually impaired where construction starts and ends etc.
Construction Sign Placement for Accessibility Key Message: Sign placement for accessibility detail Est. Presentation Time: 5 minutes Suggested Comments: Refer to section 21.3 for further information. Even if you have the sidewalk width and bike lane width, putting a construction sign in the middle may not leave enough clear space to keep the route properly accessible.
Planning and Design Elements Accommodating the visually impaired. Surface irregularities. Temporary walkways or bikeways. Key Message: (continuation of previous slide) Est. Presentation Time: 3 minutes Suggested Comments: Continue the discussion of the elements listed in the slide.
Temporary Pedestrian Routes Key Message: Alternate pedestrian routes in work zones Est. Presentation Time: 5 minutes Suggested Comments: Refer to section 21.4 for further information. Separate vehicles from pedestrians and be sure to provide advanced warning of the slight modification.
Lesson Summary Work areas can be very unfriendly places for pedestrians and bicyclists. There are ways to accommodate all types of traffic in a work area. Key Message: Summarize the lesson and discuss any questions or issues with students. Est. Presentation Time: 3–5 minutes Suggested Comments: Summarize the lesson and discuss any questions or issues with students.