Fountain School District 8 Ian Weikel Elementary School BESTs 1 st Completed New School Project August 2010
Pursuant to Thru C.R.S., a program called Building Excellent Schools Today or BEST was established. The BEST legislation (House Bill ) increases the level of financial assistance provided to school districts, charter schools, institute charter schools, BOCES, and the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind for capital construction projects. Its anticipated that BEST legislation will provide approximately $500 million for capital projects including new schools, major renovations, additions and smaller projects. With local matching contributions, the $500 million may be leveraged to as much as $900 million or $1 billion. Division of Capital Construction
Sargent Transforming Old, Deteriorating Buildings Into New High-Performing, 21st Century Buildings Division of Capital Construction
School Trust Land Funds School Trust Land Funds In 2008, School Trust Land Funds contributed 35% of gross income for the BEST Program. In 2009, it was changed to 50% of the total income, less interest. In 2008, School Trust Land Funds contributed 35% of gross income for the BEST Program. In 2009, it was changed to 50% of the total income, less interest. Lottery Spillover Funds Lottery Spillover Funds Matching Money Provided by Applicants Matching Money Provided by Applicants Interest from the Assistance Fund Interest from the Assistance Fund Division of Capital Construction
Miami-Yoder Division of Capital Construction Out of ~$1.7 Billion in requested funds as of Sept over
A Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board (Assistance Board) was created in C.R.S.; The Assistance Board consists of nine appointed members, which include: A Public School Capital Construction Assistance Board (Assistance Board) was created in C.R.S.; The Assistance Board consists of nine appointed members, which include: 2 school facilities planners or managers 2 school facilities planners or managers 1 public school superintendent 1 public school superintendent 1 public school finance expert 1 public school finance expert 1 public school board member 1 public school board member 1 school technology expert 1 school technology expert 1 construction manager 1 construction manager 1 architect 1 architect 1 engineer 1 engineer The Assistance Board members are appointed by the: The Assistance Board members are appointed by the: State Board (3), the Governor (3) & the General Assembly (3) State Board (3), the Governor (3) & the General Assembly (3) Division of Capital Construction
GrantsFunded Sangre De Cristo as of Sept Division of Capital Construction
Pursuant to (5) C.R.S. projects qualify and are prioritized as follows: Pursuant to (5) C.R.S. projects qualify and are prioritized as follows: Address safety hazards or health concerns at existing public school facilities, including public school facility security; Address safety hazards or health concerns at existing public school facilities, including public school facility security; Relieve overcrowding in public school facilities, including but not limited to projects that will allow students to move from temporary instructional facilities into permanent facilities; Relieve overcrowding in public school facilities, including but not limited to projects that will allow students to move from temporary instructional facilities into permanent facilities; Incorporate technology into the educational environment; Incorporate technology into the educational environment; All other projects All other projects School districts, Charter schools, Institute charter schools, BOCES, and The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind School districts, Charter schools, Institute charter schools, BOCES, and The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind Division of Capital Construction
Centennial School Facilities Impacted through BEST as of Sept Division of Capital Construction
There are 3 types of BEST Grants: BEST Cash Grants which are typically used to fund smaller projects like roofs, boiler replacements, fire alarms, etc. BEST Cash Grants which are typically used to fund smaller projects like roofs, boiler replacements, fire alarms, etc. BEST Lease-Purchase Grants which are typically used to fund larger projects like new schools, major renovations, and additions. These grants are financed and the financing is paid back with future assistance fund revenues; BEST Lease-Purchase Grants which are typically used to fund larger projects like new schools, major renovations, and additions. These grants are financed and the financing is paid back with future assistance fund revenues; BEST Emergency Grants are for an unanticipated event that makes all or a significant portion of the building unusable for educational purposes or threatens the health or safety of the people using the facility; BEST Emergency Grants are for an unanticipated event that makes all or a significant portion of the building unusable for educational purposes or threatens the health or safety of the people using the facility; An emergency reserve of at least one million dollars is maintained in the Assistance Fund to be used for a public school facility emergency. An emergency reserve of at least one million dollars is maintained in the Assistance Fund to be used for a public school facility emergency. Division of Capital Construction
Students Statewide Alamosa Helping over 91,450 as of Sept Division of Capital Construction
Consultants and vendors that may be involved with a BEST funded project are selected based on a fair and competitive process that is open to the public; Applicants should contact their BEST Division representative to discuss the competitive selection process. The BEST Division always encourages a qualification based process where hard bids are not practical for example: A/E, Design Build, Master Planning, Owners Representative and CMGC. Division of Capital Construction
Fountain 8,800 Jobs Helping Create & Support Over * Includes Direct, Indirect & Induced – Analysis performed by the State Demography Office & the Colorado Department of Local Affairs * Colorado School for the Deaf & Blind as of Dec Division of Capital Construction
The State invests a substantial amount of funding into a project and BEST staff wishes to partner throughout this process and throughout the entire life of the project. BEST staff will attend the interviews if requested to ensure that the process is fair and transparent. The Division may only recommend the process since the Colorado Constitution Article IV, Section 15, states: School District Directors shall have control of instruction in the public schools of their respective districts. Division of Capital Construction
Amounts shown are a percentage of overall funds awarded by type Awarded BEST Project Types Through FY Division of Capital Construction
Team Collaboration/Brain Storming - Work as a team to decide what service should be solicited for; - Decide what the Owners goals are and what is expected from the end results; - Develop a timeline; - Establish an RFQ evaluation team, CDE recommends 3 to 5 people. Division of Capital Construction
BEST Dollars Hard At Work! Mapleton School District 1 Ground breaking May 10, 2011 Division of Capital Construction
RFQ Development/Issuance/Selection - Using the RFQ template provided by CDE, begin to develop a RFQ; - Customize the selection criteria and scoring matrix provided by CDE so that it fits your projects goals; - Once the RFQ is developed be sure to submit it to CDE at least four days before your proposed issuance date; - Once all RFQs are received evaluate them using the scoring matrix; - After the apparent winner is chosen the Owner should issue a detailed decision memorandum to CDE. Division of Capital Construction
FORA Park County Division of Capital Construction Sangre De Cristo
Contract and Fee Negotiations - Fee proposals should not be submitted with the RFQ response or be a part of the evaluation; - Fee proposals should provide a very detailed scope/description of the project; - The Owners legal counsel should review all agreements; - Be sure to send the contract to CDE for review, prior to signing it. Division of Capital Construction
Capital Construction Assistance Board State Board of Education State Land Board Colorado Lottery BEST Finance Team Division of Capital Construction BEST made possible, with the help from: