Adult Workforce & STEM Council at Skillpoint Alliance
An industry-driven workforce development agency with two divisions: strengthening todays workforce with Adult Training engaging tomorrows workforce with Science, Technology, Engineering & Math We focus on college and career success, delivering programs in: Construction * Electrical * Plumbing * HVAC Computer Training * Health Care * Machinist * STEM
Workforce development non-profit founded in 1994 Rapidly trained for semiconductor fab & construction trades Build partnerships with industry, education, and the community
We focus on: Project-based STEM Education in Central Texas (K-16) Connecting classroom learning to industry applications Sharing best practices from industry & education Getting students on a STEM career path A consortium of high tech industry executives and education leaders engaged in addressing workforce and education issues.
a consortium of industry executives and leaders engaged in addressing the education and workforce development needs in Central Texas.
Billy Walker & Brandon Struhall Indicators Statewide 16% of Texas population is years old 1 Construction contributes 5.3% of all jobs in Texas 2 Regional & Skillpoint Alliance 39% of participants are years old 3 In Central Texas, Construction contributes 9.7% of all jobs 4 1 State Comptroller website: 2 Boston College – Center on Aging & Work: State Perspectives 3 Skillpoint Alliance total participant population 4 Texas Workforce Commission – TRACER website
RE-IMAGING THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TO BETTER ENGAGE OUR YOUTH With the focus of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education in High Schools, how can the construction industry better promote the visibility of STEM within the trades? Panel Discussion
Construction is STEM What is the current of R 3 in the figure above? Answer: 50mA
Creating a Vision for our Youth
Casey Smith Senior Director, Adult Workforce Council