Technical University of Denmark Presentation of the University, Aalto University Staff Training, May-June 2016
DTU in numbers Education I: 10.600 students 1.500 Ph.d. students Education II: 860 incoming exchange students (3-6 month) 550 outgoing DTU studerende 540 Internationale MSc students 56% og the PhD students come from abroad Research: 2.800 publications in ISI journaler Staff: 5.800 employees 690 Faculty 1.300 Research 2.500 Teknical and administrative staff 1.500 Ph.d studerende *Innovation: the numbers are from 2003/2004 and onwards Grun
Educations at DTU Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bachelor in Eng 3 1 /2 years Secondary School Professional life Civilengineer 3-years bachelor 2-years master Ph.D 3-years
17 18 28 11 26 Educations at DTU Bachelor in Eng. BSc in Eng. MSc in Eng. 17 Branches of Study 18 Branches of Study 28 Branches of Study 11 Education in collaboration with other Danish universities Kilder Øverste bånd Nederste bånd DTU-studerende i udlandet: Årsrapport, side 13. Uddannelsesretninger i samarbejde med udl. universiteter: DTU in Brief side 3 – mon ikke du mener side 5? De 26 uddannelsesretninger er ‘bare’ vores international joint programmes, som kan findes på hjemmesiden: 26 Education in collaboration with other foreign universities 26.03.2015
Development Issues The Political Context in Denmark Society is screaming for more engineers - How do we make sure, we keep educating at the highest level and quality? “DTU is recognized internationally as a leading university in the areas of the technical and the natural sciences, renowned for our business-oriented approach, our focus on sustainability, and our amazing study environment.” DTU President Innovation - Business approach - “Above and Beyond”