Education Personnel Information Management System (EPIMS) October 12, 2018
Agenda National Perspective Project Overview EPIMS Data Elements Overview of the EPIMS System Best Practices — Pilot District Perspective Statewide Implementation Schedule Q&A October 12, 2018
National Perspective October 12, 2018
Massachusetts Educator Data: A National Perspective Map is credited to EPE Research Center, 2006. October 12, 2018
Massachusetts Educator Data: A National Perspective Map is credited to EPE Research Center, 2006. October 12, 2018
Massachusetts Educator Data: A National Perspective Map is credited to EPE Research Center, 2006. October 12, 2018
What is EPIMS? A data collection of demographic and work assignment data for education personnel on an individual basis Assigns unique identifier to education personnel Reports a “snapshot” of active employees on October 1 October 12, 2018
Why this Data Collection? Strengthen our ability to use quality data to inform policy and program improvement, e.g.: Evaluate current education practices and programs Anticipate district employment needs Collect accurate data on HQ status Meet specific reporting requests already being made by state and federal government (including NCLB requirements), the media, and the public For too long, POLICY and PRACTICE have been driven more by ANECDOTES and ASSERTION than by DATA. This is due in part to the INCOMPLETENESS of the DATA available to us and how DISCRETE and DISCONNECTED much of that data is. For example, the Department has ELAR, our LICENSURE DATABASE and it collects a great deal of information regarding EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL – but, there is NOW WAY TO CONNECT this information leaving GAPING HOLES in the information we need to drive POLICY and PRACTICE. October 12, 2018
Major Challenges To close the information gap between educator licensure and employment To plan for a sufficient supply of highly qualified educators for each role and venue To better understand which educator preparation and professional development programs and investments yield the best results To ensure that ALL students are proficient or above Also work in: Confirming that our HIGH STANDARDS are set at the most APPROPRIATE level. Which policies and practices help us to RETAIN effective educators. October 12, 2018
Current Picture 3 Separate Data Sources: “ELAR” — the state’s licensure database District/School Staffing Report (DSSR) — aggregate counts of educational personnel by assignment Schedule 13 — staff counts in EOY financial report No ability to relate licensed educators to their work assignments in schools/districts This disconnected approach to collecting data leaves many important questions unanswered On to Maureen. Ps: I used 14 pt font to make my NOTES more easily readable while presenting. You can print them out using FILE / PRINT / PRINT WHAT? / NOTES PAGES. October 12, 2018
Full EPIMS Implementation Will Answer... What is the retention rate for new and current educators? How long do educators stay in the education field? How does educator retention relate to educator preparation? How many Massachusetts educator prep program completers end up working in Massachusetts as educators after completing their degree? And in what field? What is the demographic makeup of our educator workforce? (age, race-ethnicity) Is an educator “Highly Qualified”? And more as EPIMS is integrated into the Data Warehouse. Site Boston’s study which showed that 47% of educators leaving the system during the 1st 3 years at a cost of $3.2 million and lost student performance. October 12, 2018
EPIMS Project Timeline December 2004 – needs analysis Fall 2005 – statewide survey and info sessions January – May 2006 Meet with pilot districts (vendors at May meeting) Determine data elements August 2006 Pilot training October – December 2006 Data submitted by 29 pilot districts January 2007 – December 2007 Statewide rollout October 12, 2018
Project Overview October 12, 2018
Identification of EPIMS Data Elements Goal: Identify and collect data elements that will provide necessary information for reporting and planning purposes… without overly burdening districts to collect data that is unnecessary or duplicative October 12, 2018
Process to Identify EPIMS Data Elements EPIMS project staff researched how other states collected educator data EPIMS project staff worked closely with pilot districts to identify what data elements were necessary and available 4 all day sessions held in January, March, and May October 12, 2018
Process to Identify EPIMS Data Elements Internal working subcommittee established representing: Commissioner’s Office Licensure & Certification Special Education Educator Preparation Additional meetings with representatives from other offices to review data requirements Legal Office Finance Office Charter Schools Some districts wanted more data elements—hoping EPIMS would become their personnel management system. Some staff wanted more data elements. If data element did not prove valuable to collection, DOE did not add. October 12, 2018
Scope of EPIMS Data Elements This list of data elements will: provide needed information for reporting and planning purposes eliminate need for DSSR and Schedule 13 Financial Reporting provide framework for the future linking of educator data to ELAR and Student Information Management System (SIMS) October 12, 2018
Coordinated Collection of Educator Data Modifications will be made to take advantage of ELAR’s capacity to collect information directly from educators Proposed modifications include: Mandatory reporting of all degree type, degree institution, and degree subject area information Ability to link ELAR to EPIMS for reporting Last Maureen October 12, 2018
EPIMS Data Elements October 12, 2018
Scope of Collection Who will be submitting EPIMS information? All public schools including charter schools Collaboratives, and private schools will not be submitting EPIMS data at this time Who will be reported? All staff reported in the DSSR except DSSR Section B (Service, Operations, and Maintenance), coaches, and daily subs October 12, 2018
Scope of Collection You should report... Academic instructional staff District and school administration Instructional paraprofessional staff Career and technical education staff Special education staff Professional support staff October 12, 2018
Scope of Collection You should not report... Food service staff Custodial staff Transportation staff Coaches Daily subs October 12, 2018
MEPIDs What’s a MEPID? Massachusetts Education Personnel ID Unique ID assigned to reported staff One per person over entire MA career Randomly assigned 8-digit number (distinct from SASIDs) EPIMS will not use SSN or replace license number You will get MEPIDs by uploading a batch file OR entering individual people into a web form Explain why are not using SSN – legal reasons Certification # - noncertified personnel, implications for ELAR October 12, 2018
MEPIDs Required information to assign a MEPID: First name Middle name or middle initial or NMN Last name Date of birth Gender License number (when applicable) Local employee number October 12, 2018
Data Collection Structure Two kinds of information Who are they? Staff Roster Record (SRR) One staff roster record per employee per district Data elements relate to individual, not job What are they doing? Work Assignment Record (WAR) Multiple records per individual Data elements relate to job function, not individual Cite example of what one per means October 12, 2018
Staff Roster Record (SRR) MEPID Local Employee Number License/Cert. Number First Name Middle Name/M.I. Last Name Date of Birth Race-Ethnicity Employment Status at Time of Data Collection Reason for Exit Date of Hire Federal Salary Source (up to 3) Percent of Federal Salary Source (up to 3) Degree Type (up to 3) Degree Institution (up to 3) Degree Subject (up to 3) October 12, 2018
Staff Roster (ctd) SR01: MEPID (Massachusetts Education Personnel Identifier) SR02: Local Employee Number District’s local employee ID Requested by Districts for ease of local identification of individuals SR03: License/Certification Number Simplify identification of certified individuals Primary link to ELAR October 12, 2018
SR04–SR07 These Data Elements: SR04: First Name SR05: Middle Name/M.I. Link to MEPID data Link to Work Assignment Easy identification for error correction SR04: First Name SR05: Middle Name/M.I. SR06: Last Name SR07: Date of Birth format: mm/dd/yyyy October 12, 2018
SR08: Race-Ethnicity MADOE used the 62 new federal race-ethnicity categories for the October 2005 SIMS data collection Change was made to comply with federal OMB reporting guidelines EPIMS will use these same categories Refer to the FAQ for detailed information: October 12, 2018
SR08: Race-Ethnicity (ctd) Ethnicity (select one): Hispanic/Latino Not Hispanic/Latino Race (select one or more): American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (New) White October 12, 2018
SR08: Race-Ethnicity (ctd) Do not need to survey all students Provide info. To parents and give them the opportunity to update
SR09: Employment Status at the Time of Data Collection The two-digit code that describes an individual’s employment status at the time of the collection. 01 = Working 02 = On Paid Leave 03 = On Unpaid Leave 04 = Exited Necessary to ensure data accuracy and understand employment patterns. October 12, 2018
SR10: Reason for Exit 00 Not Applicable 01 Personal 02 Layoff 03 Contract Not Continued/Renewed 04 District Discharge 05 Death 06 Retirement 07 Reason Unknown/Other 08 Other employment in Pre K–12 public education 09 Other employment in education 10 Other employment outside education October 12, 2018
SR11: Date of Hire The date of the individual’s most recent hire in the district The last date of hire resulting in continuous service to the district in any capacity Examples: If individual hired as a paraprofessional then as a teacher, report original date of hire If individual hired as teacher, left the district and returned, report second hire date October 12, 2018
SR12, SR14, SR16: Federal Salary Source 1–3 Specific federal grant codes funding an individual’s job position. Up to 3 different federal funding sources can be provided for an individual’s job position Use 3-digit federal fund code October 12, 2018
SR13, SR15, SR17: Percent of Federal Salary Source 1–3 For each federal funding source provided, districts will indicate what percent of the job is funded by that federal grant Necessary for federal reporting requirements October 12, 2018
SR18–SR26: Degree Type, Degree Institution, Degree Subject Included for policy planning purposes What: Multiple Degree Types, Institutions, & Subject Areas Up to three degrees per individual Degree institution codes will be provided Who: Certified personnel: will be collected through ELAR Paraprofessionals and non DOE-licensed personnel such as SPED and other administrative staff: submit through EPIMS October 12, 2018
SR20, SR23, SR 26: Degree Subject 1–3 Major subject area for all degrees Double majors represented as two degrees Not collecting information on subject areas of minor concentration October 12, 2018
Work Assignment Record MEPID Local Employee Number First Name Middle Name/M.I. Last Name School ID Number Job Classification Assignment Grade Subject Area-Course Class Section Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructional Paraprofessional Qualifications Highly Qualified Status Subject Matter Competency (SMC) October 12, 2018
Work Assignment (ctd) Number of Work Assignment Records One work assignment record for every work function or teaching assignment One per section of students taught October 12, 2018
WA01–WA05 WA01: MEPID WA02: Local Employee Number These Data Elements: WA03: First Name WA04: Middle Name/M.I. WA05: Last Name These Data Elements: Link to MEPID data Link to Staff Roster Easy identification for error correction October 12, 2018
WA06: District/School ID Number 8-digit ID District Personnel—the last 4 digits are 0000 School Personnel—the last 4 digits identify the specific school October 12, 2018
WA07: Job Classification A description of the specific duties and responsibilities of a position Examples: Superintendent Principal Teacher Guidance Counselor October 12, 2018
WA08: Teacher/ Paraprofessional Assignment The specific educational or educational support activity in which teachers and paraprofessional staff are involved and employed on a daily basis. Examples: Non-Secondary Level Classroom Teacher Mild/Moderate Disabilities Sole Content Instructor in Core Academic Areas Severe Disabilities Consultative Content Instructor Career and Technical Education Paraprofessional October 12, 2018
WA09: Grade The predominant grade(s) that the specific assignment provides educational services for Coding Options: Indicate the predominant grade each assignment intends to serve Or – For elementary: the grade, or range (K–1, 1–2) Multiple (school XXX teacher serves multiple grades) All (gym teacher serves all grades in a school) October 12, 2018
WA10: Subject Area-Course A code to describe the subject area and course for which an individual has responsibility to teach or assist a teacher. Based on NCES course codes framework Examples: Mathematics (code 02) General Math (02002) Pre-Algebra (02051) CIP codes used for Chapter 74 Approved Pgms October 12, 2018
WA11: Class Section Identifies each class taught by educator Unique code within that school Format not specified by DOE Examples: Mathematics (code 02) General Math (02002) AAA General Math (02002) BBB Pre-Algebra (02051) CCC Used to report % of classes taught by not highly qualified teachers Be prepared to use the same code in the future when you link teachers and students. October 12, 2018
WA11: Class Section (ctd) Excerpt From NCLB Guidance: From US D.E.’s initial rejection of Mass.’ HQ plan: “The MA DOE does not have a comprehensive state data system to collect and analyze individual teacher information. Therefore its work to meet the requirements for HQT equitable teacher distribution and providing targeted assistance plans is severely hampered. Specifically, without accurate school/classroom level data, MA DOE cannot focus on the staffing needs or particular groups of teachers or courses taught by HQ teachers, and therefore cannot ensure that HQT and experienced teachers are being equitably assigned.” October 12, 2018
WA12: Full Time Equivalent (FTE) [as per DSSR] The ratio between the hours expected of a full-time position and the number of actual hours being provided by an individual i.e. the percent of a workday staff perform an assignment 1.00 is a full-time employee; a half-time employee is a .50 FTE, etc. October 12, 2018
WA13: NCLB Instructional Paraprofessional Requirements (Title I Only) 00 = Not employed as a paraprofessional 01 = Associate’s (or higher) Degree; or 2 years/48 credit hours of study at an institution of higher education 02 = Formal Standardized Tests: Parapro or WorkKeys October 12, 2018
WA13: NCLB Instructional Paraprofessional Req. (ctd) (Title I Only) 03 = Formal Local Assessment: Individual Paraprofessional Training Plans that include end-of-year course assessments or products Aligned with the Learning Guidelines for Title I Instructional Paraprofessionals and Guidelines for Creating Local Assessment Programs for Title I Paraprofessionals 04 = Paraprofessional, not qualified by the above categories 05 = Paraprofessional, not required to be qualified (not a Title I school) October 12, 2018
WA14: Highly Qualified (HQ) Teacher Status Why collect it: Federal Reporting Requirements Answers if this individual is highly qualified for this position 00 = Not required to be highly qualified for this position 01 = Yes 02 = No October 12, 2018
WA15: Subject Matter Competency (SMC) How has this individual demonstrated subject matter competency for this position? 00 = Not applicable for this position 01 = Has not yet demonstrated subject matter competency 02 = Passed the Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL) appropriate Subject Matter Test and licensed in the area that you are teaching October 12, 2018
WA15: Subject Matter Competency (ctd) 03 = Completion of an appropriate academic major 04 = Completion of an appropriate graduate degree 05 = Completion of comparable coursework equivalent to an undergraduate academic major 06 = Advanced certification or credentialing. 07 = Massachusetts High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE*): an approved Individual Prof. Dev. Plan (IPDP) aligned with HOUSSE requirements Note: 03–06 valid for middle/secondary teachers only October 12, 2018
EPIMS System Components October 12, 2018
EPIMS System Components ID Maintenance Data Collection Reports District and DOE Review Summary Reports Transmit Data Validate Data Submit Data Certify Validate across district collection Correct Records View Errors / Reports Enter Single Records Enter Multiple Records Certify Collection View Certifications Submit Collection View status & history of submissions October 12, 2018
How will EPIMS verify my data? As files are transmitted to the DOE, an automatic error check will answer these questions: Is the format of your file OK? Do the values in each record make sense? Once all files are transmitted and the answers to these questions are yes for each file, it is time to validate the collection. The validation step will answer these questions: Do the data across this collection look right? Does this data set make sense compared to your previous submissions for this collection? October 12, 2018
EPIMS Data Collection Step 1: District Transmits Single or Multiple Records (in a File) to EPIMS EPIMS Error Check No Errors AND All Records Transmitted Yes Errors Step 2: Validate Collection Error Report Error Check and Validation continue until Error-Free EPIMS Validation Yes No Errors District Updates Records in EPIMS Yes Errors Validation Report District Corrects Records in district system and Re-Transmits Updated File Step 3: Submit Collection No Review Reports Yes Step 4: Certify Collection (Superintendent only) Collection Complete No Step 1:
Best Practices Pilot District Perspective October 12, 2018
Statewide Implementation Schedule October 12, 2018
Statewide Implementation January 2007–March 2007 Statewide Rollout 2/2 & 3/23 — DOE, Malden 2/7 — Ayer 2/9 — Springfield 2/14 — Brockton 3/9 — Bourne Vendor Meeting, 3/2 Data Handbook distributed and posted on website October 12, 2018
Statewide Implementation Early Spring MEPID training MEPID application open Spring – Summer Data Collection training and on-site support Fall — Data Collection opens October 12, 2018
Preparing for EPIMS Form working group: HR, Information Services, and Curriculum Review each data system and data quality Gap analysis Determine method/process to acquire new data Modify internal procedures? October 12, 2018
Preparing for EPIMS MEPID assignment Review and verify information First name, middle name/initial, last name, DOB, gender, license number New race-ethnicity categories Confirm staff license numbers DOE Educator Licensure Status Drop Box October 12, 2018
Summary You will need to submit EPIMS data instead of the DSSR in the fall of 2007 EPIMS may require you to report data from multiple data sources and may require you to report data you currently do not have EPIMS will require a great deal of time and effort from multiple disciplines within a district Contact your HR and student scheduling software vendors as soon as possible to find out how and when they will comply with EPIMS reporting requirements You need to start NOW to prepare for the EPIMS data collection October 12, 2018
Resources Available EPIMS Web Site Information / FAQs will be posted at: Licensure Web Site HQ Web Site Information will be posted at: October 12, 2018
Contact Information EPIMS Melinda Coneys 781-338-6894 John Shontell 781-338-6614 Helene Bettencourt 781-338-3639 Licensure Dropbox Sabina Ahmad 781-338-6835 HQ Maureen Rozanski 781-338-3879 October 12, 2018
Questions October 12, 2018