Owen Yokum e-Portfolio 2016-2017
S.T.E.A.M We made a teepee out of cotton swabs. I learned that I’m good at engineering. I would use glue and tape to make my teepee better. Homemade pinball machine. I like engineering because it gives a challenge that works my mind a lot. I would use electronics for the levers and sounds.
Main project Kahn Academy intro to JavaScript. Learned how to speak JavaScript language. Learned how to make basic shapes. Learned how to make basic animation with JavaScript. Khan is a completely free educational website.
Robotics Finished my chassis and drive train. Started Robotics. Programing. Finished all of my attachments.
Robotics I did all competitions except for 60m Sprint and Ratio Run. Placings: Overall tied for 9th 25m sprint; 3rd
Reflections I really liked coding and robotics, but I think coding wins for my favorite Coding taught me a lot about computers and problem solving. I’ve finished over 75% of the JS Lesson in khan academy. I would like to learn more types of coding script.
NASA seminar Reflections Get to know you black out BINGO. 2 Truths 1 Lie game. Mars or Bust S.T.E.A.M activity. Communication drawing game. Humans in Space seminar with NASA. Reflections I learned that all liquid is recycled into drinking water. I think if we had more time for the STEAM activity it would make it better. I thought the live presentation was the best part I didn’t know most of the information we were told.
Zombie waves I made a wave survival game on scratch. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/155683171/#player
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Khan-Academy-logo.jpg https://coldsolder.wordpress.com/2010/12/04/lego-mindstorms- tank-rover-with-ultrasonic-sensors/