Year 1 Mrs. Byrne- Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs am Mrs Robinson- Thurs pm, Fri Miss Markley- full time Mrs Caldwell- Mon pm Year 1 Welcome Meeting
School Routine Morning Break Lunch End of Day Children come into school on their own in the mornings and are becoming increasingly independent Miss Markley will take any messages at the door, e.g. a change of person collecting your child at the end of the day If you would like to talk to Mrs Byrne or Mrs Robinson - please let Miss Markley know and we will arrange a mutually convenient time. If there is something urgent that you don’t want to talk about on the door then Mrs Keeling is usually available. We are sure you appreciate we need to be in the classroom to settle the children. Break Fruit every day Water is always available in the classroom Can subscribe to school milk – PLEASE APPLY ONLINE Lunch The children are entitled to free school meals or they can bring a healthy packed lunch (no fizzy drinks or sweets). End of Day Collect from the playground outside the Year 1 door.
ICT & Music and Movement Sample Timetable Please note that the timetable in September will be similar to the Reception timetable and develop over the year. This gives an overview of the week; we do not stick rigidly to times for lessons. PE days will be confirmed in September 8.55 - 9.00 9.05 9.30 9.45 10.00 10.30 11.15 11. 15 12.15 1.15 2.40 3.00 Mon R Guided Reading Phonics Assembly PLAY & SNACK Numeracy Art LUNCH R.E. & PSHE Mrs Caldwell Listening Leopards Tues Literacy ICT & Music and Movement Story/song Wed PE Thurs Numeracy Topic Story/ song Fri Spelling Test Handwriting & Music Free-choice And video
Learning sessions Whole class & group activities, working towards more independent learning. Children will work independently on some activities during Busy Learning
Busy Learning Selection of activities and games to further English and Maths skills Graphics area Construction area Role play area Computer area Book Corner Outside area: water, sand, role play etc
A child is like a butterfly in the wind, Some can fly higher than others; But each one flies the best it can. Why compare one Against the other? Each one is different! Each one is special! Each one is beautiful!
English Daily phonics session following on from Reception Letters and Sounds Programme using Jolly Phonics resources Weekly spellings Daily guided reading sessions (grouped by ability) Daily Literacy sessions – developing: Speaking and Listening; role-play; phonics; shared reading; shared writing; handwriting; independent reading and writing.
Home readers Reading comments are appreciated, or at least a signature so we know they have read at home. The children have the opportunity to choose a library book each week. Opportunity to reinforce reading skills and enjoy listening or sharing books at home Our aim is for children to read for pleasure and to share a book everyday. We find that the children who read at least 3 times a week at home make the most progress.
Guided reading timetable Read with Teacher Read with TA Comprehension ICT Quiet Reading Monday Green Blue Purple Yellow Red Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths Daily lessons Practical aspect Beginning to produce more recorded work Practical/problem solving activities as the pupils become more independent Learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
How you can support this at home: Read larger numbers on houses, buses, aisles in the supermarket Practise number formation Number order and counting – using a Number line Counting backwards Simple problem solving Using money – recognising different numbers on the coins Measures, e.g. cooking, telling the time to o’clock Numbers and shapes in the environment e.g. signs, buildings etc IT skills and educational games
P.E. No jewellery and long hair tied back P.E. kit – white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps P.E. bags stay in school PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING
Autumn Term Rainforest study Numeracy Practical and recorded addition and subtraction number sentences Literacy Walking through the Jungle Rumble in the Jungle Geography Physical features of rainforests, habitats, maps. Science Animals and humans, body structure, human senses. Art/D&T Animal prints, texture and materials (Henri Rousseau) PE/Dance Linking jumps and shapes to make short movement patterns. RE Belonging Together
*Other points School uniform Blue sweatshirts as in prospectus Please name ALL clothes PE kit Uniform Coats Jumpers Hats and scarves (winter) Money Clearly labelled envelope: Name Class Amount Purpose Clubs- pay in advance or weekly
Book bags Please bring bags in to school on a Wednesday. They will go home again on a Friday. Please look out for photo consent forms and update any collection information in the first week. Keep phone numbers up to date
homework Weekly task Reading book Spellings New homework every Friday – book bags to be in on WEDNESDAY please Homework is designed to give children an opportunity to practise their skills outside of school; and to keep you informed about the topics we are studying in class!
Other points Helpers We encourage parents to help on educational visits. Parent helpers are also very valuable in the classroom (but not in their own child’s class) Listening to readers Resources preparation Filing Displays Any other special talents?!
Educational visits Autumn Twycross Zoo Christmas Pantomime Spring Park – pushes/ pulls Summer Local visit for growing topic St. John’s Museum, Warwick Plus regular visits to All Saints Church
KS1 Assessments Y1 Phonics Screening takes place in May. Children read 40 words (20 real and 20 ‘fake’) to check their use of sounds. More information about this will be given closer to the time.
Behaviour Good to be Green Green card – agreed behaviour/expectations Class behaviour is compiled from pupil suggestions and agreed by the whole class. Green card – agreed behaviour/expectations Verbal reminder Yellow card – visual warning Red card – consequence Every day’s a fresh start!