Welcome - P1/2 # Grow! Create! Shine!
Data Protection Changes to Data Protection came into force from May 18 (GDPR) All schools are working within their local authority and their data protection officer to update our current practises to ensure we are in line with this legal framework. At present we use minimum of your/ your child’s information in carrying out day to day communication and teaching and learning opportunities. We currently use some online programmes such as Nessy to support learning. If you wish your child NOT to use online learning until you have signed a new data protection form then please speak to staff at the end of the welcome evening. We’ve been asked to put this slide in to make you aware of the changes to data protection. We’re updating out practises to make sure they’re in line.
Data Protection Updated permission forms etc will be issued in agreement with ELC. Please contact Ms Macartney or ELC if you have specific questions. FORMS; Please collect your forms at the end of tonight which require you to update your contact information and return completed paperwork. The data you have provided will be held on our systems whilst your child is at SYPS, to communicate with you and to carry out learning, teaching and assessment.
Reporting on Your Child’s Progress We currently explore ways to sustain parental partnerships by: holding 2 Parent teacher consultations . 1-1 parent teacher consultation and a child led parents evening come learn with us homework an annual written report.
Reporting on Your Child’s Progress We are continually reviewing our practise to ensure parents are involved in their child’s progress. We would like your views on reducing the written report and introducing a 3rdparent teacher consultation. Please can you indicate on the flip chart your views yes ( in favour) No ( remain as we are). Please add any additional comments via post-its. There’s an example of the report beside the tally mark sheet for you to have a look at the end.
Rules and Routines Numeracy/Maths Writing Reading/Phonics Topics in P1/2 Homework
Rules and Routines # Grow! Create! Shine! Positive Behaviour Growth Mindset Water bottles – no juice please Gym – Mondays and Thursdays Fitness Friday Gym – give gym bags home at end of half term Positive behaviour – Mystery hero – one person picked at the start of the day (secret) and if they follow rules etc then they get a sticker and a prize at home time and get to sit on a cushion the next day. House points, stickers. Growth Mindset – can’t do it yet. Our feedback on effort, rather than getting it right first time. They can wear their fitness clothes and it’s a chance for them to work with other children in their houses from P1-7 # Grow! Create! Shine!
Numeracy # Grow! Create! Shine! ‘Maths on Track’ : Mental maths – accuracy and speed Dice patterns Hundred Square – number sequences, counting forwards, backwards. Addition and Subtraction Place Value Real life context – problem solving Maths Topic – this term we will be focussing on time Mental Maths – same sums over and over, so they can increase speed Hundred Square – some examples of games, e.g. target, number after, before, inbetween Number sequences – can be counting in 1s, but also counting in 2s, 10s, etc, counting backwards, counting from any number, in tens off the decade. Place value (P2) understanding how numbers are made up. Time – o’clock (P1) half past (P2) # Grow! Create! Shine!
Starting to write # Grow! Create! Shine! Black pen drawings Develops fine motor Planning of the story Adding detail Sequencing Key phrases Repetitive sentences Your turn, my turn – detailed drawings Progress on to writing independently. Writing is a really tricky thing bringing in lots of different areas of literacy. We would then be looking at content and adding detail. Can they hold that sentence in their head and write it down correctly. We look at grammar – using joining words and adding adjectives for example. Using spelling patterns in their writing. We don’t tend to correct spelling – as long as they’re using their phonics knowledge to sound it out. If it was a spelling pattern they had learned already then we would correct that. # Grow! Create! Shine!
Handwriting # Grow! Create! Shine! Handwriting is about: Pencil control Hand eye coordination Fine motor/ muscle control Correct letter formation putting words on paper Folding clothes,dryign dishes, wiping spills, kerplunk, jigsaws, building/contruction, buttons, zips # Grow! Create! Shine!
Reading is the key to unlock the curriculum This (symbol) letter looks like this, the speech sound that matches is… Letters together make words and words together make sentences, sentences make stories! Jolly phonics booklets at the end of a block – they will come home with the child – please practise Decoding the word – getting a clue from the picture Prediction Explain reading diaries Blooms taxonomy Then goes onto single word spelling programme – children get a sound per week which we will do loads of activities on in class and a spelling list will come home for them to practise. # Grow! Create! Shine!
In English children have over 150 graphemes ( letter groups) to learn Phonics Phomeme v grapheme Phoneme – spoken language (e.g. the sound ‘A’) Grapheme – written language (e.g. acorn, rain, say, save) In English children have over 150 graphemes ( letter groups) to learn Therefore, sounds covered in P1, will be covered again in P2, P3, and so on. e.g. ‘A’ is the phoneme. ai, ay, a_e are the graphemes.
Reading # Grow! Create! Shine! Reading on Mondays and Wednesdays Decoding the words – different strategies Developing fluency and expression Extending vocabulary Comprehension Blooms Taxonomy: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, Create Decoding the words – different strategies, e.g. getting clue from picture, chunking the word, skip it. Questioning – asking and answering Prediction – e.g. half a book Explain reading diaries Blooms taxonomy # Grow! Create! Shine!
Equipping children to read Build Sight vocabulary Confidence in cvc , blending Tricky words ( the/ was/my) Context clues - using pictures Making meaning
Reading how to help at home Read stories at home Reading games Word walls Reading diary ~ please sign & comment
Co-operative Learning Talking partners – shoulder partners/face partners Learning social skills, back to basics, e.g. turn taking, eye contact with speaker, how to show you are listening T-charts To make group work more effective – means every person has a role and therefore has to participate for the job to be completed. Begins in partners and then p3 stage look to working in 4’s. # Grow! Create! Shine!
Topics/IDEA in p1/2 # Grow! Create! Shine! Special Me Houses and Homes Celebrations and Festivals Toys Expressive arts come under all. # Grow! Create! Shine!
Homework # Grow! Create! Shine! First of all – thank you!! Homework should be fun Set on Tuesday, returned on Monday Should take 10-15 mins a day Reading books Spelling wall – P2’s Maths wall At this stage, children should be reading as often as possible, preferably every day Please sign reading diaries Spelling words – children will revisit sounds they have covered already. Grids to give ideas. # Grow! Create! Shine!
Parental Involvment # Grow! Create! Shine! Class Assembly Come Learn – twice per year Issues/concerns – please come and see me Look out for the dates in the September newsletter # Grow! Create! Shine!
Internet Safety # Grow! Create! Shine! Internet safety workshop is being held in the gym hall at 6pm, this is for all parents (P1-7) # Grow! Create! Shine!
Thank you! # Grow! Create! Shine!