Kindness Our Assembly theme for the Autumn 2 half term is kindness ( October to December 2017)
What do we mean by kindness? Kindness is an action that is friendly. It can be generous, considerate or thoughtful. Kindness makes other people feel wanted, loved and cared for. It gives us a feel good factor too. It can make the “giver” feel so much better about themselves. A kind act can be something very small – a smile, a gesture, a kind word. This half term, as we learn about and celebrate many religious events; Remembrance Day, the Sikh festival of Guru Nanak’s birthday, The Muslim festival celebrating the birth of Buddha ( Milad Uln Nabi), Hannukah, Advent and Christmas, we will think about the difference we can make by showing small acts of kindness to those around us; both at home and school.
A story; How Full is your Bucket? 5R6-2m_qHk
How do you make people feel?
We must all be aware of the impact we have on each other We must all be aware of the impact we have on each other. Do you make those around you feel good? Feeling good builds confidence and helps us all to achieve our potential