Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications June 23 – 26, 2008 Gainesville, Florida Wetland Biogeochemistry Laboratory Soil and Water Science Department University of Florida Instructors: Mark Clark; Patrick Inglett; James Jawitz; Todd Osborne K. Ramesh Reddy 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 1
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Course Objectives The objective of this course is to provide participants with the basic concepts involved in biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, metals, and toxic organic compounds in wetlands and aquatic systems. The Environmental and ecological significance of biogeochemical processes will be described in relation to elemental cycling, water quality, carbon sequestration, and global climate change 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 2
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Course Modules Introduction Wetland types and communities Wetland hydrology Biogeochemical properties Electrochemical properties Soil oxygen demand Adaptation of plants to wetland soil anaerobiosis Carbon cycling processes Nitrogen cycling processes Phosphorus cycling processes Course Modules Sulfur cycling processes Iron, manganese, and other metals Toxic organic compounds Soil-water exchange processes Biogeochemical indicators Novel processes and new tools 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 3
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Lecture Outline Introduction for lecture topic Learning objectives Basic principles related to the topic Examples of current research Examples of applications to address real world problems Key points learned from the topic 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 4
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Learning Objectives Define biogeochemical features of wetlands Define Hydrologic processes Understand the differences among different wetland soils Describe oxidation-reduction reactions in wetlands Understand the organic matter decomposition processes and long-term storage of nutrients and contaminants Determine the role of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycling processes in regulating water quality Understand the role of metals in regulating nutrient mobility and reactivity Define the role of exchange processes between soil and water column on water quality Identify key biogeochemical indicators for wetland assessment 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 5
BIOGEOCHEMISTRY The study of exchange or flux of materials between living and non-living components of the biosphere G. E. Hutchinson (1944) 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 6 Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (Володимир Іванович Вернадський/Владимир Иванович Вернадский) (March 12 [O.S.
BIOGEOCHEMISTS Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky G. Evelyn Hutchinson 1863-1945 1901-1991
Fertilizers, Animal wastes Rainfall/Dry Deposition Uplands Sink/source Fertilizers, Animal wastes Biosolids, Wastewater Rainfall/Dry Deposition Wetlands Aquatic Systems 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 8
Biogeochemical Cycles – Organic Matter in a Wetland P S 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 9
Biogeochemistry of wetlands Plant biomass P Inflow Periphyton P Litterfall Outflow [Black Box] . . PIP DIP DIP POP DOP Peat Peat DIP DIP accretion accretion PIP [Fe, Al or Ca- bound P] DOP POP DOP Adsorbed P 10/13/2018 WBL
OXYGEN PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN Carbon SULFUR METALS XENOBIOTICS [Plant detritus, microbial biomass, and soil organic matter] SULFUR METALS XENOBIOTICS 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 11
Biogeochemical Processes Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur Metals Toxic Organics Physical Chemical Biological 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 12
Spatial and Temporal Scales global, regions, states landscapes, watersheds km Time >1,000 km soil aggregate m pedons, field plots mm clay particle, microbes um nm Atoms, molecules Length
Organic Matter (Carbon) Stable Organic Matter (P Accretion/Stability) Carbon (productivity) Phosphorus Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Sulfur Cycle Plant Community Loading Hydroperiod (Accretion/Stability) Organic Matter (Carbon) Phosphorus Cycle Nitrogen cycle Sulfur 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 14
Biogeochemical Cycles – Linkages Physical Processes Organic Matter Chemical Processes Biological Processes C N P S Climate Change Carbon Sequestration Eutrophication 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 15
Biogeochemical Cycles – Linkages at Global Scale Increased nutrient loads …high primary productivity ..eutrophication High primary productivity ….increased rates of organic matter accumulation… carbon sequestration High carbon sequestration in soils ..increased rates of microbial activities Increased rates of microbial activities … increased levels of greenhouse gases Increased levels of greenhouse gases….climate change 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 16
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Science and Applications Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: Unique features of wetland ecosystems Identify role of soils as long-term integrators of elemental storage and ecosystem processes Describe basic concepts on elemental cycling in soil and water column of wetlands Define the role of organic matter decomposition processes and long-term accretion of nutrients and contaminants Assess the nitrogen processing capacity of wetlands Evaluate the phosphorus retention capacity of wetlands Define the fate of sulfur, metals, and toxic organic compounds in wetlands Describe the role of exchange processes between soil and water column on internal load Identify key biogeochemical indicators for wetland monitoring and assessment 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 17
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands 10/13/2018 10/13/2018 WBL 18