Bailey’s Court Primary School Reception Information Evening Play Jolly Songs as parents arrive. Welcome and purpose of meeting – to inform parents about some of the things we do in school and what they can do to support their learning at home. Explain that we will provide them with a pack at the end of the meeting. October 6th, 2014
What did you do at school today? I can’t remember. Nothing.
Actually we do lots at school Actually we do lots at school! Hopefully this meeting will explain some of what we do and what you can do to help your child’s learning.
Timetable Topic Learning + SIL PPA and Enrichment PPA Enrichment 8.50- 9.10 9.10 - 9.30 9.30-10.10 10.10 10.25 10.25 -10.40 10.40- 10.55 10.55- 11.10 11.10-12.00 12.00- 1.15 1.15- 2.30 2.30- 2.50 2.50- 3.30 Monday Bell time activities Literacy Learning Group Literacy Task + SIL Sticky Kids News and Milk Break Time Class Book Numeracy Learning Group Numeracy Task Lunch Time Topic Learning + SIL Nut Brown Hair+ special bag Story Tuesday and Circle Time Milk time Assembly SEAL Wednesday Wake and shake Bible Stories and Milk PPA and Enrichment PPA Enrichment Thursday Milk time , Questions and Special bag Group Numeracy Task Spanish Friday Games Singing/ music Milk PE Grouped Numeracy Task
Assessing in the EYFS “As you will have seen from looking through your child’s learning diaries there are seven different areas which the children are working within. Each area is split into other areas and has statements of learning which we use to assess the children's learning. Initially, we are assessing which age band the children are working within and then we move on to assess whether the children are working towards, meeting or exceeding the standards of the ELGs.
Strategies for teaching Letters and Sounds Multi-sensory approach ICT Jolly Phonics and Jolly Songs Small group work weekly E.g. sand trays, play dough, magnetic letters, ping pong balls in water. E.g. Nessy, Phonics Bug, Phonics Play, Espresso
Sounds, Blending and Segmenting Each sound needs to be taught carefully… We sometimes use robot arms to help the children to hear the individual sounds that are in words Go through each sound?
Handwriting ‘Frog on a log’ or ‘Snappy fingers’ A copy of this sheet is included in your pack and a fine motor skills booklet is in the pack too ‘Frog on a log’ or ‘Snappy fingers’
Bailey Bird word lists A word that cannot be sounded out is known as a ‘tricky word’. The Letters and Sounds document provides lists of words that the children should be able to read and spell at various stages of their development. Children’s ability to read and spell these words is assessed regularly at school. Words that children still need to learn are sent home on a Bailey Bird in their communication books to practise at home. Show a copy of the letters and sounds phase 2 to 5 word lists. Explain they are tricky and phonetic. A copy of this is in parent pack
Reading Children will be given 2 books which are changed weekly. We use a variety of reading schemes but particularly Oxford Reading Tree in the early stages of reading. Reading levels - Children will regularly read with the teacher and other adults in school. Judgements about moving up the scale are made on comprehension and fluency. Reading Record Books are for home and for school use.
Supporting your child’s Literacy learning at home Encourage a love of reading by sharing books regularly with your child. Help your child to learn the words that are sent home on their Bailey Bird sheets. Remember to use the correct pronunciation of sounds and use ‘robot arms’ to help blending. Point out sounds and words in the environment. Read a variety of books. Make it as fun and enjoyable as possible! They don’t have to read all of the school books sent home – perhaps just choose a word within each sentence that you know they will be successful reading. Visit the local library? Practise words by displaying the tricky words around the house. Look – Cover – Write - Check
Strategies for teaching Numeracy Practical and multi-sensory approach Counting Songs ICT Small group work weekly Daily Numeracy session E.g. Cooking sessions, Role playing shops, counting animals, play dough, magnetic numbers, paint etc ICT we use websites which we then display on our page
Supporting your child’s Numeracy learning at home Play games Dot to dot books Sing songs Bake! Make a shop at home Point out numbers and shapes in the local environment Games – snakes and ladders, ludo, dominoes, Songs – 10 green bottles, 5 little ducks etc Copy of numberformation is included in pack Baking – especially when recipe needs weighing and measuring
Wow Slips WOW! As you will have seen at the parents’ meeting, we keep a record of many of your child’s achievements in green learning diaries in school. We would, however, like to also include some of their successes from home within the book. Please feel free to use the Wow slips that we will be giving out this week to write down anything your child does that has made them (or you) particularly proud, along with the date. This may be anything you both see as a success or special achievement (for example, counting to 20, tying their shoelaces, achieving a swimming certificate, writing their name etc). Please put the ‘Wow’ slip in your child’s book bag when you have filled it in and we will collect them in. If you would like more in the future, please collect from the supply in the yellow area or ask a member of staff.
PE kit reminder P.E. Red or white t-shirt Navy blue or black shorts Tracksuit bottoms Daps Coats!
Other Useful Information Stay and Play/Open afternoons Volunteers Website - Please collect a CRB form from the school office and return it asap If you are already CRB checked, please see your child’s class teacher to arrange a time to come in! Thank you!
Phase 2 Phase 3 s – sit a – ant t – tap p – pan i - ink n - nip m - mat d - duck g - goat o – on c - cap k - king ck - duck e - egg u - up r - rag h - hand b - bat f - fit ff - huff l – lip ll – full ss - hiss j – jelly v- van w – wind x – x-ray y – yes z – zip zz – buzz qu – queen ch - chip sh - shop th – thin th - then ng - ring ai - rain ee - feet igh - night oa - boat oo - look oo - boot ar - farm or – for ur – hurt ow – cow oi – coin ear – dear air – fair ure – sure er - corner Letters and Sounds is a systematic approach to the teaching of phonics. Children are taught sounds in different phases. Phase 1 is primarily sounds within the environment and is mostly covered in preschool although is ongoing in Reception. Phase 2 is most of the alphabet sounds with the remaining alphabet sounds taught in Phase 3. Digraphs (2 letters making one new sound) are taught in Phase 3 and Phase 5, as well as split vowel digraphs. Phase 4 is revision of Phase 2 and 3. Children are taught Phase 2 in Reception and will go on to Phase 3 when they are ready in Reception or in Year 1. What we do - Daily phonics session every morning. Initially learning one sound at a time. Firstly, hearing, saying and reading the sound; then practise using and applying it (reading and writing). Sound booklets and further information will be sent home this week so you can support your child’s learning at home.