Rethinking Discipline: Special Education Considerations


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Presentation transcript:

Rethinking Discipline: Special Education Considerations Thank you for joining us for the October GATE Equity Webinar. Where we explore topics related to equity in graduation success. This webinar will be recorded and we are working on our process for making our webinars ADA compliant, so stay tuned for recordings. The PowerPoint is posted on OSPI on the GATE Equity Webinar page if you want to follow along. Also, we’d like to ask that you direct the questions you want us to answer in the Q&A not the chat, so we can more easily monitor and respond to you. Chat is more for your own commentary. Thank you! I’m Kefi Andersen, OSPI Graduation and Equity specialist. Today’s topic is Rethinking Discipline: A Systems Approach to Supporting Positive Behavior. Today’s presentation is a special kick off to a mini series of three webinars we have planned for this month’s theme October Catch. If you evaluate the disciplinary referrals so far this year, that is a predictive sample of how many you will have in the year to come. This first webinar will give us a broad overview of the some big themes and upcoming resources. Later on today at 3:30 you have the opportunity to listen in on an introduction to the brand new discipline modules that Josh and Kelcey have created to support discipline work around the state. Later this month, our Special Ed department is going to present a more in depth webinar on best practices for discipline with Special Education students. I’m joined today by Josh Lynch, our OSPI Student discipline, behavior, and readiness to learn program supervisor, and Kelcey Schmitz, OSPI integrated student support and center for the improvement of student learning. We’re glad you all could be here today to share your expertise. Exploring topics related to equity in graduation success Kefi Andersen – OSPI Graduation Equity Program Supervisor Scott Raub – OSPI Special education Parent & community Liaison

Superintendent Reykdal’s K-12 Education Vision “The goal of our education system is to prepare all of our students for post- secondary aspirations, careers, and life.” Superintendent Reykdal ‘s K-12 Vision has three phases — each lasting two years — from small improvements to a full redesign of the K-12 education system.  10/13/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

Measuring Success Performance Indicators Measures of Success Increase four- and five-year high school graduation rates Increase enrollment and completion rates and decrease remediation rates in post-secondary training and education Performance Indicators We must help students: Enter kindergarten with expected skills in all six areas identified by the Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS). Meet standard on the 3rd-, 8th-, and 11th-grade statewide English language arts (ELA) and math assessments, and the 8th-grade statewide science assessment. Grow toward proficiency in ELA and math, as determined by Student Growth Percentiles, in 4th and 6th grades. Enroll in Algebra I/Integrated Math I by the end of 8th or 9th grade and earn high school credit. Enroll in college-level courses and earn dual credit. Take the SAT and ACT and earn college-ready scores. Access financial aid for post-secondary learning. We must help students avoid: 9th-grade course failure. Suspensions and expulsions. Chronic absenteeism. Measuring Success In 2014, OSPI adopted agency wide measures of success, and implemented research-based performance indicators, including avoiding chronic absenteeism. These serve to guide our work across the K12 public education system.

Questions & Polling What are you most interested in learning about today? A. Discipline Themes B. Building the system C. Practical advice for implementing a systems change D. Resources to support my discipline work E. New legislative rules F. Other Question | CC 0 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Today’s Topic Reviewing special education considerations for student discipline and implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Our goals for today are to catch you up on what is happening with Every Student Succeeds Act or as we call it, ESSA. You’ll also get some practical advice on systems change from Chelan, and we’ll give you some resources to help you along the way. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Themes for Supporting Positive Behavior Restorative Practices ACES Trauma Informed Positive Behavior Lower Suspensions and Disciplinary Referrals Positive School Climate: Parents are key partners and students are engaged Monitor data frequently to catch kids early Define, teach and recognize behavior expectations Multi-tiered framework: for programmatic response to barriers Proactive, positive, personalized outreach Strategic Community Partnerships You may have seen these buzz words out in the discipline field. What do they mean? Definitions… I just made this up based on the attendance one – please change to make it accurate! OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Common Misconceptions Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) using positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) are not a substitute for Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) or special education related services. School districts have an affirmative duty to locate, identify, and evaluate students who may be in need of special education services (i.e., “child find”). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Battle Ground Example 10/13/2018   10/13/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

Eligibility for Special Education Students determined eligible for special education services must meet all three of the following criteria: The student must have a disability or disabilities. The student's disability/disabilities adversely affect educational performance. The student’s unique needs cannot be addressed through education in general education classes alone – with or without individual accommodations and requires specially designed instruction (SDI). Parents, school personnel, school district staff, or other persons with knowledge about a student may make a referral requesting that the student be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Specially Designed Instruction Specially designed instruction is a set of organized and planned instructional activities which adapt, as appropriate, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs that result from a student’s disability. (WAC 392-172A-01175) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018


Special Education may also include… Related Services Supplementary Aids and Services Accommodations and Modifications MTSS/PBIS teams and buildings should be aware of students eligible for special education who need accommodations or modifications within the general education setting in order to participate. RTI or other general education interventions are not a substitute for specially designed instruction and should not be used to delay a referral and possible evaluation for special education services. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Questions & Polling Does a student have to be identified with an emotional/behavioral disability in order to receive SDI for behavior? A. Yes B. No Question | CC 0 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Individualized Education Program An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement for a student eligible for special education that describes the amount of time that a student will spend receiving special education, any related services your student will receive, and the academic/behavioral goals and expectations for the year. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Individualized Education Program IEP teams must also consider special factors unique to a student eligible for special education: This discussion includes considering the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, to address behavior, in the case of a student whose behavior impedes the student's learning or that of others. Any eligible student can receive SDI for behavior and/or have a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) included in their IEP, regardless of their eligibility category, if determined necessary by the IEP team. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

WAC 392-172A-03105(3)(a) Each school district must ensure that a student’s IEP is accessible to each general education teacher, special education teacher, related service provider, and any other service provider who is responsible for its implementation.  WAC 392-172A-03105(3)(a) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Battle Ground Example 10/13/2018   10/13/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

Behavioral Intervention Plan A behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is a plan incorporated into a student’s IEP if determined necessary by the IEP team. The BIP, at minimum, must describe: The pattern of behavior(s) that impedes the student’s learning or the learning of others; The instructional and/or environmental conditions or circumstances that contribute to the pattern of behavior(s) being addressed by the IEP team; OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Behavioral Intervention Plan The BIP, at minimum, must describe: The positive behavioral interventions and supports to: reduce the pattern of behavior(s) that impedes your student’s learning or the learning of others and increases the desired prosocial behaviors; and ensure that the consistency of the implementation of the positive behavioral interventions across all of the student’s school-sponsored instruction or activities; The skills that will be taught to the student and monitored by the school district as alternatives to the pattern of challenging behavior(s) identified. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Key Special Education Considerations Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) using positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) are not a substitute for Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) or special education related services. Students eligible for special education may have a BIP. School personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis when determining whether disciplinary action is appropriate for a student eligible for special education services who violates a code of student conduct.

Questions & Polling Can a student eligible for special education be suspended/expelled for more than 10 days within a school year? A. Yes B. No C. Maybe Question | CC 0 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Discipline: Two Processes to Consider General education: SPECIAL Education: General education discipline process, following the rules and procedures to address whether the student actually engaged in the misconduct, including any decisions about the length and type of removal. Special education discipline rules and procedures to make decisions about whether a student will be removed from her/his current special education placement, and if so, the services that will be provided to the student. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

General Education Discipline Rule Making

Special Education Discipline Procedures School personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case-by-case basis when determining whether disciplinary action is appropriate for a student eligible for special education services who violates a code of student conduct. Students eligible for special education, in general, may not be removed from their educational placement for more than 10 school days in a row or be subjected to a series of removals that total more than 10 school days in a year. Removals of 10 days or more are considered to be a change of placement.

Special Education Decision Making Process Special Education Discipline Flowchart Special Education Decision Making Process 10/13/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

Special Education Discipline Tips If a student eligible for special education is being suspended/expelled for 10 consecutive days or more, or has been removed for more than 10 days within a school year, then a Manifestation Determination meeting likely needs to occur. Consult your district special education office for guidance. Do not forget that days a student is removed for an emergency expulsion count towards the 10-day limit for removals. Do not forget that sending a student home early from school or reducing a student’s school day (without IEP team authorization), is considered a suspension under state general education rules (WAC Chapter 392-200).

Survey Tell us how we’re doing: | CC00 Tell us how we’re doing: s3/3887996/2017-18-GATE- Webinar-Series-Survey We got some great responses last month from our first round of evaluations. We are trying to constantly improve our performance. In an effort to capture your comments over time we’ve created a quick survey. Please help us by taking a minute to fill it out. If the webinar closes out, this link is also available in our Zoom reminders so you can always let us know your thoughts. We appreciate our audience and want to improve this experience for all of you. We’ll put this link in the chat for you also. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Contact Scott Raub 360-725-6075 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018

Creative Commons Images Used Except where otherwise noted, this work by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 International License. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 10/13/2018