LEQ: What will be the short term and long term effects of World War II?
Yalta Conference The Big Three: FDR, Churchill and Stalin Met in Yalta Discuss the end of the war and the peace that would follow
Yalta Conference Allowed Stalin to keep territory in Eastern Europe Agreed to form the United Nations Soviets agree to help Americans in Pacific
Yalta Conference Agreed to divide Germany and Berlin into 4 sections One sector for the Americans, Soviets, British and French
War Ends in Europe Hitler’s body found in bunker Germany surrenders, May 7, 1945 V-E Day (Victory in Europe) After 6 years, war finally over in Europe
Atomic Bomb Allies agree that invading mainland Japan would be costly Harry S. Truman (now president) makes decision to drop atomic bomb
The Atomic Bomb Enola Gay Hiroshima and Nagasaki Thousands die due to bombings and radiation poisoning
War Ends in the Pacific V-J Day August 15, 1945 Japan surrenders WWII over
United Nations The United Nations 50 countries represented Encouraged cooperation among nations
United Nations Members should respect fundamental human rights and promote the progress and freedom of ALL people Called for the use of international organizations to promote peace and economic and social advancement. The Soviet Union, Great Britian, china and America designate themselves as the police men of the the world to enforce peace. The Atlantic Charter, the UN came into existence ][on Oct 24, 1945.
United Nations 1948, Universal Declaration of Human Rights ALL humans are born free and equal Called for an end to slavery, torture and inhumane punishment
Potsdam Conference Allied leaders met to discuss the spread of communism and Soviet influence Truman hoped Stalin would honor his promises from Yalta Stalin does not Brandenberg, Germany Tehra, 1945 Yalta. Thrid meeting. What to do with Russia. Between yalta and potsdam truman in power, anticommunists, divide germany, demilitarize germany, restablish democracy, free elections, freedom of speech and press, reparations: russia would receive goods for reparations not cash, bc russia had suffered the most. 20 mil russians had died ¼ of all german goods. Banned all nazi party, and had nuremberg trials. Disagreements: what to do with germany, berlin, stalin wanted to be sure russia is safe and wants to cripple germany but bri and am doesn’t want to do this bc they remember the treaty of versialle. Free elections- truman wanted this in eastern european countries, russians had pushed germans out of eastern countries and russians had left troops there and stalin did not want america interference. This is where the cold war starts. Containing the spread of communism.
What is the United Nations and what purpose does it serve? Bell Ringer What is the United Nations and what purpose does it serve?
Building a Better World World Bank Provide loans and grants to countries for the purpose of reducing poverty
Building a Better World International Monetary Fund Designed to prevent economic crises and encouraged trade and economic growth Promote orderly financial relationships between countries
Building a Better World General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Set rules and regulations for international trade
Life in America after WWII 12 million men and women who had been serving in the armed forces returned to America
Life in America after WWII GI Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) Helped veterans transition Money for college Help finding work Unemployment benefits
Life in America after WWII Demand for consumer goods rose sharply Returning vets The Baby Boom
Post War American Politics Truman’s Fair Deal program Federal health insurance program Funding for education Only a few programs actually became law
Review Sheet Using the knowledge that you have recently gained, you are going to describe the short term and long term effects of WWII.