Background On the Cyclops Before Reading about Odysseus’ Encounter with the Cyclops, there are a Few Things to Know…
Epic Heroes are epic…but still human Even heroes need to be relatable to us Superman is a normal guy during the day Hulk has a temper Epic heroes have hubris
EQ: What is hubris? Hubris is an excessive amount of pride or arrogance that often leads to a hero’s downfall or further complications It is an inevitable characteristic of a hero or leader Turn & Talk: What leaders can you think of that display a large amount of hubris?
Balancing Hubris with Hospitality In ancient Greek culture, the god Zeus is not only the god-of-all-gods, but is also the god of hospitality The ancient Greeks valued hospitable acts like taking in a stranger, offering guests the best of wine and food, as well as sending guests off with a nice parting gift Just as in many cultures today, the sharing of wine or other alcohol is considered the highest form of hospitality and comrodere i.e. Korea
Defiance to Zeus It is critical to understand that a bad host is in direct defiance of Zeus as the god of hospitality The ancient Greeks considered it blasphemous to be a bad host i.e. refusing to help a stranger, provide guests with the best of their food and wine, or harm guests in any way
A cyclops is a mythological creature appearing human in form, but gigantic, brutish, and with only one eye in the center of their head They are said to have been the children of gods or Titans (original creatures of the world in ancient Greek mythology) They do not tend to worship the gods and share no morals that humans follow The Cyclops we meet in “The Odyssey” is known as Polyphemus, a herding creature who is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea Keep in mind while reading how Polyphemus either respects or defies ancient Greek standards of hospitality The Cyclops