ILST Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops ILST Mini TTT - University of Scouting 1/25/2014 Best Practices for Leading ILST Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops University of Scouting January, 2016
ILST Mini TTT - University of Scouting 1/25/2014 Introductions Trainer: Paul Simkins 321-947-0200 Participants: Name Troop number and location Chartering organization Current position Cell Phone Ringtone
Burning Questions
ILST Mini TTT - University of Scouting 1/25/2014 Why ILST? Exercise: Think back to the first time you held a leadership position, either as a youth or an adult. How secure did you feel about doing the job? What kind of training did you receive? How well did you do?
Youth Leadership Training “Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster's most important job.” “Train Scouts to do a job, then let them do it.” “Never do anything a boy can do.” —Robert S. S. Baden-Powell SM’s job to train all junior leaders ASAP after the Scout is elected or appointed - Scoutmaster Handbook, Chapter 7 Training Youth Leaders
What is ILST? Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops New generation of unit leadership training History Previously was TLT (JLT prior to that)
Youth Training Continuum ILST ILT
Why ILST? Formal Training Experience is not always the best teacher Understand the foundations of their role/position Opportunity to share experiences Helps develop relationship between adult leaders and boy leaders Helps build the leadership team Requirement for other leadership events NYLT NAYLE Kodiak Challenge
What’s New? New Organization Troop Organization Learn about the structure of a well-organized troop Understanding of how roles are interdependent Tools of the Trade Learning the basic skill sets necessary to be a leader Leadership and Teamwork Introduction to team development Opportunities to build the team
What’s New? (cont.) New Organization (cont.) Interactivity Games built in No more Death by PowerPoint! Teaching games that allow for reflection and learning FUN! New Recommended Environment Troop Leadership Retreat Camping weekend or other event Also flexibility in how to deliver
ILST Training Module 1 - Unit Organization Position cards Troop Org Chart Intro to Vision and Servant Leadership Helium Stick Exercise
Helium Stick Exercise
ILST Training Module 2 - Tools of the Trade Skill sets – Leadership EDGE Communication Planning Teaching Whole Picture Exercise
Whole Picture Exercise
ILST Training Module 3 - Leadership and Teamwork Additional Leadership Tools Teams Characteristics Stages of development Inclusion – Using the whole team Ethics and Values Vision review Potato/Rock Game
Potato (Rock) Exercise
Potato (Rock) Exercise GOOD NEWS! You can keep the potato!
Where is it? Easier still: Browse to and search for ILST OR In your University of Scouting Resources.
Questions/Discussion? What about those burning questions? Anything else?