EUSALP Action Group Forum


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Presentation transcript:

EUSALP Action Group Forum AG2 meet S3-4AlpClusters, HES-SO//FR HEIA-FR Innosquare Clusters, LP Garmisch-Partenkirchen 15 February 2017

Project short summary 🎬 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Interplay between S3 & Clusters Policy Level S3 Implementation Clusters Innovation The interplay between S3 and clusters implies a two-way relationship between the two concepts. As suggested by the overall title of the project “Smart Specialization Strategies to build an Innovation Model for Alp Clusters”, a first way to study the interdependency is to look at how S3 can be used to foster innovation processes and spark entrepreneurship within clusters. Turning the relationship on its head, existing clusters can also be used as a tool in the implementation of S3. The overall design of the project allows to focus on different aspects of the interplay between S3 and clusters in its different work packages. Whereas the first work package primarily takes on the perspective of clusters as tools in the implementation of S3 at policy level, the second work package will focus more on the reverse relationship at cluster level. But the finality is to improve innovation within enterprises. Cluster Level Smart Specialization Strategies to build an Innovation Model for Alp Clusters BUSINESS LEVEL 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Main and specific objectives Improve framework conditions for innovation induced by clusters and SMEs to keep and to create new jobs EUSALP AG2 objectives S3-4AlpClusters specific objectives To develop new value chains with enterprises from different sectors Initiate mutual knowledge exchange and learning of regional policy from different regions in involving quadruple helix actors To bridge different policies and efforts in order to stimulate the transformation of the industrial structure and drive job creation and growth Facilitate innovation and gain critical mass through cluster initiatives across regions with strong technology orientation and high complementarity To make better use of cluster initiatives Initiate trans-regional cluster to cluster cooperation in involving quadruple helix actors Starting from the observation that the implementation of S3 within the Alpine Space often fails to generate the desired effects, the overall objective of the project is to improve the framework conditions for innovation induced by clusters and their small and medium sized enterprises to keep and create new jobs. The underlying problem in the implementation of S3 has been detected at two fundamental levels: a lack of experience among regions on how to use clusters in the implementation of S3 and a lack of alignment between and knowledge about other regions’ strategies. The project has three specific objectives, which all relate to EUSALP AG2 objectives: To initiate mutual knowledge exchange and learning of regional policy from different regions in involving quadruple helix actors To facilitate innovation and gain critical mass through cluster initiatives across regions with strong technology orientation and high complementarity To initiate trans-regional cluster to cluster cooperation in involving quadruple helix actors 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level 11.16-04.18 Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level 03.17-04.18 S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level 02.18-11.18 Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters At Policy level, from November 2016 to April 2017, an important activity of the first work package will be to determine how to support policymakers in best implementing S3 by stress testing the relevant policies. The StressTest will thus mainly focus on the question of how and when clusters are used as a tool in S3 and study the modality of use and influence of clusters in the implementation of S3, which is the primary focus of the first work package. By including questions about the ability of clusters to implement new innovation models, the questionnaire will nevertheless also pave the way for the second work package, which will delve into the question of how S3 can contribute to define new innovation models in further detail. In parallel Entrepreneurial Workshops will be organized in all partner regions, with the objective of identifying, through an entrepreneurial discovery process, priorities and strategic domains which are crucial for the region’s competitiveness. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level 11.16-04.18 Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level 03.17-04.18 S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level 02.18-11.18 Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters At cluster level, in the second work package from March 2017 to April 2018, we will analyse existing regional and interregional processes and practices at cluster level to create a basis for an innovation model for cluster development, applicable to all regions, and complemented with new prototypes of services to be tested at enterprise level. The innovation model will integrate regional smart specialization strategies and will be built upon best practices already implemented in the regions. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level 11.16-04.18 Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level 03.17-04.18 S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level 02.18-11.18 Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters At the business level, from February 2017 to November 2019, in work package 3, we will finally test the applicability and benefits of new services in pilot clusters from differently developed regions. The different work packages with their respective outputs, all contribute to the EUSALP Thematic I: Economic Growth and Innovation In line with the EUSALP Thematic I : Economic Growth and Innovation 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters In particular, we can directly relate the overall objectives of the project and the different work packages to the objectives of EUSALP AG2. Work package 1, and in particular the Entrepreneurial Workshops, will address the development of new value chains with enterprises from different sectors. Entrepreneurial Workshops EW ➟ New Value Chains 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters The development of an innovation model at cluster level, and the workshops within the framework of work package 2, will notably try to provide valuable inputs in order to stimulate the transformation of the industrial structure and drive job creation and growth. EW & Cluster Workshops ➟ Stimulate the transformation of the industrial structure 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Work Packages and Outputs EUSALP AG2 ➟ Better use of clusters Level of Intervention Implementation Work Packages Outputs Policy Level Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting 1. Joint Transnational Cluster Action Plan 2. Fully Developed Synchronized Scheme Cluster Level S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation 3. Innovation Model for Clusters Development Business Level Test Model on Pilot Clusters 4. New Services validated by Pilot Clusters Overall, the project aims at making better use of cluster initiatives in an effort to study the important interplay between S3 and clusters. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Project concrete measures Implementation Work Packages Concrete measures - deliverables Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting StressTesting results Report of strategic Alpine Space Topics for Interregional cooperation Joint transnational Cluster Action Plan Tools kit for dissemination S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation Cluster good practices Innovation model based mainly on new services Tools kit on Innovation Model Test Model on Pilot Clusters Tested cluster services 1 The project will produce a set of concrete deliverables. For work package one these are the results from the StressTest for all participating regions, a report of strategic Alpine Space topics for interregional cooperation, a joint transnational cluster action plan and a tool kit for dissemination on stress testing and entrepreneurial workshops. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Project concrete measures Implementation Work Packages Concrete measures - deliverables Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting StressTesting results Report of strategic Alpine Space Topics for Interregional cooperation Joint transnational Cluster Action Plan Tools kit for dissemination S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation Cluster good practices Innovation model based mainly on new services Tools kit on Innovation Model Test Model on Pilot Clusters Tested cluster services 1 2 Work package 2 is expected to deliver cluster good practices, an innovation model based on new services and again a tool kit on the innovation model. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Project concrete measures Implementation Work Packages Concrete measures - deliverables Cluster Policy and S3 benchmarking and StressTesting StressTesting results Report of strategic Alpine Space Topics for Interregional cooperation Joint transnational Cluster Action Plan Tools kit for dissemination S3 Model Based definition for Cluster Innovation Cluster good practices Innovation model based mainly on new services Tools kit on Innovation Model Test Model on Pilot Clusters Tested cluster services 1 2 Work package 3 finally, will provide a set of tested cluster services. 3 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Support from Policy Level To be strongly involved in: Answering the StressTest questionnaire Participating to the Entrepreneurial Workshop and helping to discover new value chains Supporting the trans-regional cluster action plan Developing a synchronized scheme Supporting the sustainability of these measures Our project will of course need and benefit from policy level support. In particular we wish to strongly involve policymakers in the StressTest and invite them to participate in the entrepreneurial workshops in order to support the discovery of new value chains. Furthermore, we count on policy level support for the trans-regional cluster action plan, the development of a synchronized scheme and, in general, to support the sustainability of the proposed measures. 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

smart specialisation with smart clusters Interactions with AG1-3 AG1 Lombardy Region, PP12 – Francesco Brignone AG2 Baden-Württemberg, LP1 – Jacques Bersier, member of AG2 AG3 Autonomous Province of Trento, PP11 – Luca Mion Areas of collaboration Update information within each meeting of AG1-3 and S3-4AlpClusters S3-4AlpClusters deliverables and workshops open to AG1-3 members Access to clusters for AG2 Access to training tools for all AGs Our project benefits from a great potential for interactions with the different EUSALP action groups. In fact, the leaders of AG 1-3 are also partners in our project. Lombardy region for AG 1, Baden-Württemberg for AG 2, and the autonomous Province of Trento for AG3. In addition, as LP of the project, I am also a member of AG2. This allows for strong collaboration in the following areas: Update information within each meeting of AG1-3 and S3-4AlpClusters S3-4AlpClusters deliverables and workshops open to AG1-3 Access to clusters for AG2 Access to training tools for all AG 13.10.2018 smart specialisation with smart clusters

Thank you for your attention smart specialisation with smart clusters