The Nicene Creed: Summary of our Faith


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Presentation transcript:

The Nicene Creed: Summary of our Faith Catholic Digital Resources presents . . . The Nicene Creed: Summary of our Faith What do we really believe? © 2008 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources – (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith There are 2 creeds of Christianity The Apostles Creed It’s our oldest statement of faith. According to legend, the Apostles wrote it on the 10th day after Christ ascended to heaven. Although this is not true, each of the statements in the creed were commonly used to teach the faith during the time of the Apostles. Therefore, it’s a faithful summary of the Apostles' faith and their teachings. The earliest known written version of the creed is dated 215 A.D. (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith The Apostles Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith The 2nd creed of Christianity The Nicene Creed This is the creed we use during Mass. In 325 A.D., all the bishops met in Nicaea to come up with a statement of faith (a creed) that cleared up false teachings (heresies) that were prevalent. This fuller creed is therefore known as the Nicene Creed. They finished fine-tuning and ratifying the new version in 381 A.D. in Constantinople. (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith What are the heresies the Nicene Creed overcomes? polytheism (belief in many gods)  “I believe in one God, the Father the Almighty,…” the world (or the material for it) always existed  “Maker of heaven and earth” all things visible were created by Satan  “of all things visible and invisible” all good men are sons of God; Jesus wasn't different or the Father was incarnated in Jesus  “I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God” Jesus did not pre-exist before his conception in Mary  “born of the Father before all ages, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made” (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith What are the heresies the Nicene Creed overcomes? Jesus was not divine; he did not have the same nature as the Father  “consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.” Jesus came to save not only humans, but also demons  “For us men and for our salvation…” Jesus was only a mere mortal.  “he came down from heaven,” Jesus was conceived by sexual relations.  “and by the Holy Spirit…” Since he came from heaven, his flesh-nature was an illusion.  “was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man.” (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith What are the heresies the Nicene Creed overcomes? The Holy Spirit is a creation of God, a servant of the Father and the Son.  “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,” Old Testament prophets did not speak words from God.  “who has spoken through the Prophets.” Salvation can be obtained without being part of the Body of Christ (does this sound contemporary for us today?)  “I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” We're safe from falling into wrong beliefs even if we're separated from the Church.  “I BELIEVE in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.” Now let’s take a deeper look at what we believe… (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY We believe in the loving Father of the Old Testament. Do you really believe? Sometimes we think of the God of the Old Testament only as a legalist and a punisher. He is love itself. When we don’t see God as a loving Father, we never feel loved enough. One consequence of this is that we can't love others enough. (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith WE BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST We believe that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life Do you really believe? His Way is the way of service, loving everyone, even our enemies, going the extra mile, carrying our crosses. Believing in Him means we follow Him to Eternal Life … how? We follow His example. (the way of service) … (no falsehoods) … (eternal life). (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

The Nicene Creed: Summary of Our Faith WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE GIVER OF LIFE We believe that God’s Spirit empowers us to follow Jesus We receive this empowerment … how? In Baptism In Confirmation How does sin destroy life? i.e., … How does someone else's sin rob us of life? How does our sin rob someone else of life? God’s Spirit empowers us to love instead of sin. To give life instead of destruction (c) 2008 Catholic Digital Resources

You are viewing a sample. To order the full version, Including the catechist guide and class hand-out, go to and order “The Creed: What Do We Really Believe?”