HCAL Configuration Issues Drew Baden University of Maryland Jeremy Mans University of Minnesota 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
HCAL Pulse Nominal HCAL pulse spread over several 25ns buckets Fraction in bucket is tunable via clock phase adjustment Need to recover “event” concept, associate energy to a single crossing (bucket) and report it to the trigger TPG, trigger primitive 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
FE/DAQ Electronics DAQ S-Link: 64 bits @ 25 MHz READ-OUT Crate Trigger Primitives READ-OUT Crate CAL REGIONAL TRIGGER Rack CPU SBS CLK D C H T R H T R H T R 12 HTRs per Readout Crate, 2 DCC 16 bits @ 80 MHz TTC 32 bits @ 40 MHz FRONT-END RBX Readout Box (On detector) HPD Shield Wall QIE CCA QIE GOL QIE CCA QIE Fibers at 1.6 Gb/s 3 QIE-channels per fiber GOL QIE CCA QIE FE MODULE 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
References HTR (Hcal Trigger Receiver card) Trigger TDR CMSSW http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/HCAL/document/CountingHouse/HTR/ Trigger TDR http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/docLHCC.shtml (all CMS TDRs) CMSSW http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/cpt/Software/html/General/ 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
TPG HTR firmware job: Convert raw QIE format to ET Linearize, sin(q), ped subtraction all via LUT Peak detection to associate energy with BX “Feature bit” (MIP for m in HB/HE/HO, “thin jet” for HF) Compress into format for Level 1 Transmit to mezzanine card which transmits to RCT 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
TPG Issue There are 3 main issues: Need to simulate Peak detection using sum of 2 time slices or not? Threshold suppression for L1 data Feature bit? Latest proposal from Dasu Need to simulate Optimize for jets or MET? MET issue vs Luminosity (pileup) Which bucket? Does it matter? 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
Simulation Check… Make sure it’s still ok, and what we are doing works Check for single vs 2 time slices Make this plot but use the “rechit” HCAL TPG ET “real” (from GEANT) 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
DAQ Data (Precision Readout) DAQ path must read out data with zero suppression Current scheme: ZSP based on TPG associated with that bucket TPG threshold is in ET…pedestal is E. Need to simulate how best to do this 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
DAQ Path (cont) Chris Tully (JET/MET) requests some information added in HF to quantify instantaneous luminosity This will help the JET constant term correction due to the underlying event How best to do this? Need simulation 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
What Exists in CMSSW? Digitizations (QIE simulation) are there now Produces un-zero suppressed digis A “digi” is what is in the DAQ data format (“L2spy fifo” in HTR terminology) Some ORCA code to do the TPGs but its hard coded with no parameters Some Trigsim code in ORCA but out of favor with Dasu… TPGs will be read in by Trigsim (which does NOT exist at this time in CMSSW) TPG compression LUT (in the HTR) is NOT independent of what is done in the RCT (Trigsim is simulating this)! Need to be able to use REAL LUTs Samples? 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG
Who? HCAL digis Trigsim TPG generation Zero suppression Event samples Rick Wilkinson (Caltech rickw@caltech.edu) all digis for HCAL Trigsim Dasu etal TPG generation Rick Wilkinson Zero suppression noone Event samples Geometry in old simulation is wrong, need new data Chris Tully (cgtully@princeton.edu) etal from JET/MET Need to wait for CMSSW validation of the new simulation CMSSW in general Avi, Jeremy Mans… HCAL hardware Drew Baden (drew@umd.edu), Jeremy Mans (jmmans@fnal.gov), Tullio Grassi (tullio.grassi@cern.ch) 13-Oct-18 HCAL TPG