Economic Development Loan Program – City of Miami 48th ANNUAL NCDA CONFERENCE, MIAMI JUNE 14 – 17, 2017 George Mensah Director
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Purpose, Eligible & Ineligible Use Purpose: to provide businesses with financial assistance to support the retention and creation of jobs for low to moderate income City residents. Eligible Use: • Purchase and Installation of machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures • Leasehold improvements or expansions • Technology infrastructure • Renovation, improvement and expansion • Inventory Ineligible Use: Paying off a creditor or creditors Providing funds for distribution or payment to the owner, partners, or shareholder of the applicant. Refunding a debt owed to a small business investment company. Paying of any tax lien or liability Refinance loans made by other lenders Projects which are not consistent with the City’s economic development loan program February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Eligibility Demonstrate that financing is not otherwise available on terms or conditions that would permit completion and/or successful operation or accomplishment of the project activities to be financed Business is not relocating jobs, except where the loan applicant is forced to relocate due to circumstances beyond their control (i.e. government intervention, building demolition, etc.) Project impacts an adequate number of jobs, as defined by 24 CFR 209 (b)(1)(i), to be created and/or retained for low to moderate income people The business’ ability to repay the loan. February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Loan Criteria Job Creation/Retention Jobs must be created within six (6) months of the loan closing if loan is not used for rehabilitation or leasehold improvements or the total project does not include rehabilitation or leasehold improvements. Jobs must be created within eighteen (18) months of the loan closing if loan is used for rehabilitation or leasehold improvements or six (6) month after the completion of the rehabilitation/improvements, whichever is less. On job retention, the applicant must give details on why the borrowed funds are required to retain the jobs and demonstrate that without the assistance, the jobs would be lost. Loan Amount Minimum: $20,000.00 Maximum: $80,000.00 Higher loan amounts may be approved on a case by case basis by the City of Miami Commission. February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Loan Criteria II Loan Terms Repayment term shall be as follows: Equipment: Up to the economic life of the assets involved, not to exceed the IRS depreciation limits (See IRS Instructions for Form 4562) and not longer than seven (7) years. Others: Fully amortized between three (3) to seven (7) years Special Circumstances: Longer repayments may be considered on a case by case basis Interest Rates The interest rates of the City of Miami’s EDLP loans shall be 0% - 3% per annum, based on the cash flow of the business. Match Requirements All loans must be matched by the applicant’s funds. Matching participation requirements will be: Capital: Applicant must match a minimum of 20% of capital needed for project Equity: Applicant must have at least 20% equity in the business. February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Other Requirements Applicants shall sign Unlimited Guaranties. Commercial Insurance Policies naming the City of Miami as loss payee in an amount acceptable to the City of Miami Risk Department All loans will require a collateral position of any and all real property or equipment pledge as security for the loan. Loans for equipment will require UCC-1 filings. Recipient may not pledge, transfer, hypothecate, encumbrance or dispose of any asset purchased, in whole or in part, with funds from the City of Miami, without the written approval from the City of Miami The City of Miami may impose late fees if the business does not pay on a timely manner. If a business does not meet its minimum employment requirements, then the City shall call the loan payable within 30 days. February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Program Overview Approval/Appeal Process All loans made strictly under the policies of the EDLP will be recommended for approval by the Housing and Commercial Loan Committee. If the Housing and Commercial Loan Committee denies a loan application, the applicant will be advised in writing with an explanation as to why the loan was denied. All loans not meeting the EDLP guidelines will require an additional approval by the City Commission. Applicant’s will have 10 business days from the receipt of the letter not recommending the loan to appeal the decision. The applicant can provide additional documents at that time for consideration of the underwriting committee. If the loan is not recommended a second time, there will be no further appeal entertained from the applicant. February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery Borrower: A father and son team, father is a retired senior Pharmaceutical executive with considerable sales experience and son with knowledge in brewing technology from FIU Loan Amount: $420,000 subordinate loan. Bank Loan: $586,700 Total Project: $1,260,600 Use of Funds: Purchase of Manufacturing equipment # of Jobs: 12 within 24 months of complete disbursement Interest: 0% Term: 5 years Security: UCC-1 filling on all equipment and furnishings of the business irrespective of who purchased it. Guarantees: Unlimited guarantees from all officers and directors of the company February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery II Documents Reviewed and Analyzed: Application Business Plan Projected financials Management Capacity/Resumes etc Industry Information/Materials February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery-Underwriting Market demand: Tremendous growth in the micro-brewery industry No other micro-brewery exist in Miami Location in Wynwood, an up and coming artist enclave and tourist attraction in Miami An area frequented by Millennials Financial: Compared assumptions with industry average and determined that they were reasonable Analysis showed a higher cost of the materials at 16% compared to industry average of 10%, which shows room for a better performance Breakeven analysis shows profitability in year 2 All other financial ratios showed a solid business potentially Loan Closing Loan date: August 5, 2013 Opening Date: April 5, 2014 February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery-Beers February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery Today Wynwood Brewery has been very successful beyond anyone’s imagination Financial Success 2015 Projected 2015 Actual Difference Total Income $900,960.00 $1,514,015.85 $613,055.85 Cost of Goods $201,329.00 $266,227.18 $64,898.18 Gross Margin $834,732.00 $1,247,788.67 $413,056.67 Total Expenses $622,955.00 $933,329.77 $310,374.77 Operating income $211,777.00 $314,458.90 $102,681.90 February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference
NCDA Winter Conference Loan Example Wynwood Brewery Today Other Success Pops Porter won a gold medal at Denver’s Great American Beer Festival in 2014 Has a contract to supply Norwegian Cruise Line and currently negotiating with other cruise lines Sold 24.5% minority share to Craft Brew Alliance (CBA) so it can get the necessary financing to expand and produce more beer Their main 2 beers now to be produced in NH where CBA has a large scale production facility News article February 14 - 17, 2017 NCDA Winter Conference