America in the 1980s and 1990s (1980-1999) Lesson 3 The Cold War Ends
America in the 1980s and 1990s (1980-1999) Lesson 3 The Cold War Ends Learning Objectives Analyze the ways that Ronald Reagan challenged communism and the Soviet Union. Explain the end of the Cold War. Describe other foreign policy challenges that faced the United States in the 1980s. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Contras Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost perestroika Iran-Contra affair Crash Course – End of Cold War
Reagan Leads with “Peace Through Strength” Reagan plans to end the Cold War Build new nuclear weapons, fund covert operations Reagan builds nuclear weapons Largest peacetime military buildup Belief that Soviets couldn’t afford to build as many weapons (outspend USSR) SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative Land and space lasers used to destroy weapons and defend USA Reagan & anticommunism around the world Support Anti-Communist forces (Afghanistan) USSR invades Afghanistan in 1979 Withdrew troops in 1984. Supported Contras in Nicaragua
Reagan Leads with “Peace Through Strength” Economic Pressures on USSR Mikhail Gorbachev – leader of USSR 1985 USSR Economy suffering Changes needed Couldn’t compete with the USA Economy. Reforms to USSR + Better relations with USA Glasnost – new openness allows criticism, some freedom of press Perestroika – move away from a state-controlled economy. Free Enterprise Reagan and Gorbachev Presidents personalities help to reduce Cold War Tensions Modernizing approach towards bitter rivals.
Reagan Leads with “Peace Through Strength” Analyze Data Based on the information in the graphic, summarize Reagan's 'peace through strength' approach to national defense.
Impact of the End of the Cold War Fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989 End of the Cold War Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungry hold election Fall of Communism Reagan – “tear down this wall” Berlin Wall- Simple History
Impact of the End of the Cold War Analyze Maps Compare this map to a current map of eastern Europe. What has happened to these former communist countries since 1991?
U.S. Involvement in the Middle East and the Iran-Contra Affair Terrorism + Middle East USA will learn the Middle East is challenging (Religious groups / terrorist groups/ civil wars) Iran-Iraq War 1980 – 1989 + Terrorism Brought USA into Middle Eastern Affairs USA and Libya 1986 Muammar al-Qaddafi– leader of Libya supported terrorist acts Bombing in Berlin + Use of Chemical Weapons Reagan blames Qaddafi + Bombs Libya USA and Lebanon 1982 - 1984 Civil War in Lebanon Reagan sends US forces Terrorists bomb headquarters in Beirut 241 marines killed
The Iran-Contra Affair USA Negotiated with Terrorists In the Iran-Contra affair, the Reagan administration secretly sold weapons to Iran to effect the release of American hostages held in Lebanon. Weapons sold to Iran to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon. Money from the Iran weapons-sale then was used to fund the Contras, in Nicaragua Both the sale of arms to Iran and the military aid to the Contras were illegal – Boland Amendment 1983, terrorists loyal to Iran take Americans hostage in Lebanon Reagan assumes full responsibility but never admits to ordering the aid of Contras Colonel Oliver North and others in the president’s administration were dismissed 1987, Congressional committees hold joint TV hearings 1988, several staffers indicted; 1992, Bush pardons Reagan officials Iran-Contra Affair Video