FRAEDOM USER GUIDE Fraedom User Guide Updated May 2015 AMENDED JAN 2018
Read conditions and click to accept
HOME SCREEN Click here to view the items requiring attention Click here to view all statements – past and present
Click on arrow to show all items requiring attention
Click here to show all statements Shows that these statements are incomplete and require action Click to enter statement period
CODING Click on red X to enter the coding windows
Wizard or Coding? International Travel Domestic Travel Meals or Entertainment All other coding
International Wizard Simply split the expense into the appropriate boxes. Hover on for help. When fully allocated, click on comments to continue.
COMMENTS CODING Enter Travel Details and then click on YES for Travel Diary. Save. Travel Details will transfer to the following screen and also to statement and GL Coding window appears with all expense codes and GST codes prefilled. Select CC/Project code and Save.
Select CC/Project Expand dropdown Click Search
Searching Type in the code if known OR Click on Search to return ALL codes
Searching cont. Whichever way you search, results will appear in the bottom half of the window. Click on the UP arrow to use the code. Click on the right pointing arrow if you wish to save this code to your favourites if you use it regularly. OR Search using a description
Domestic Wizard Simply split the expense into the appropriate boxes. Hover on for help. When fully allocated, click on comments to continue.
COMMENTS CODING Enter Travel Details and then click on YES for Travel Diary. Save. Travel Details will transfer to the following screen and also to statement and GL Coding window appears with all expense codes and GST codes prefilled. Select CC/Project code as previously outlined. Save.
Meal & Entertainment Wizard Split the expense into the appropriate boxes. Hover on for help. When fully allocated, click on comments to continue. Enter details and click Save. Details entered here will be transferred to following screen and also to GL.
Coding window appears with all expense codes and GST codes prefilled Coding window appears with all expense codes and GST codes prefilled. Select CC/Project code as previously outlined. Save.
All other Coding Complete CC/Project code as previously outlined. Using same process, select expense code Select relevant Tax Code Enter Expense Description. This will appear on Statement and GL. Save
AND Your statement now shows indicating that your coding is complete. The means that approval is still required. View Statement Report and print it. Hand printed statement, with all receipts and dockets to your supervisor . Click on Mark Statement Complete to enable your supervisor to see and approve the online transactions. Statements should not be marked complete until the end of the statement period
AND Statement now shows in both columns. This indicates that transaction has been fully coded and approved by supervisor/approver. If a is shown, your supervisor needs more information. Click on the icon and take appropriate action.
USING IMAGES FIRST STEP IS TO GET THE SCANNED IMAGE INTO FRAEDOM. FIRSTLY scan the image(s) to your computer. A new folder on your desktop is a good idea. Invoices can be scanned individually as PDF’s or all in one PDF. HOWEVER, if you opt to put them all in one PDF, make sure they are scanned in the same order that they appear on your Fraedom statement. Maximum File size is 5MB ANOTHER OPTION IS TO TAKE A SMARTPHONE PHOTO and email it to your Fraedom library. FRAEDOM LIBRARY Log into Fraedom click on items awaiting action, or your latest statement. Scroll to the bottom and click on the link Manage Receipt Images Your image library will open as shown on the following page
USING IMAGES CONT. Use Upload Button to navigate to, and select, the scanned invoices on your computer OR use Upload via Email Button to obtain your Fraedom library email address. (this is useful to bookmark if you use your smartphone to upload photo images of your invoices “on the go”). Images are now waiting in your library for you to attach them to a transaction in Fraedom. You can upload images periodically throughout the month or in one hit at the end of the month depending on your own preferences. Once uploaded the images will appear as follows
USING IMAGES CONT. Click on image and then click on magnifying glass to view larger image. Click on Manage Receipt Links and a list of all transactions on the statement will appear. Put a tick next to the transaction that relates to invoice. Click Save. Once all images have been attached and all coding has been done, click on Mark Statement Complete at the end of the statement and your statement and all of the attached images will be sent to your online approver for their approval. Hard copies of invoices should be retained for 5 years.
USING IMAGES CONT. A green paper clip icon shows that an image has been attached.
Code all transactions Pages 6 -19 Upload all images Pages 22 & 23 SUMMARISED Code all transactions Pages 6 -19 Upload all images Pages 22 & 23 Attach images to the corresponding transaction using Manage Receipt Images and Manage Link Images Pages 24 & 25 Mark Statement Complete File your hard copy invoices for 5 year retention. Multiple Approvers Page 27
Multiple Approvers If your Supervisor and your online Approver are not the same person, it will be necessary for you to do the following Code all transactions Upload all images Print statement and sign it Forward printed statement to your Supervisor with hard copy invoices. Your supervisor should sign the statement as evidence that all transactions are for University business. Statement should then be returned to you. Scan your statement and transfer it to your image library as per previous instructions. Statement can then be attached to each invoice using the Manage Receipt Images link. Mark statement complete, so that all invoices and the scanned statement now go to your online approver for their final approval.
CONTACTS & LINKS Julie McConnell – Administrator 8201 3549 David Paterson – Associate Director, Procurement Services 8201 2224 Purchase Card Policy