EMIS Overview Student
What is EMIS? Education Management Information System There are 4 functions of EMIS State and Federal reporting Primary function of law is to streamline State and Federal reporting requirements for school districts Funding and distribution of payments EMIS provides a system for districts to provide information required to receive State funding and determine eligibility for Federal funding Academic accountability system EMIS enables both ODE and school districts to comply with State and Federal requirements Statewide and district reports Data collected through EMIS allows ODE to generate a variety of reports for policymakers, educators, administrators, education organizations and for policy and research needs
Four Categories of Data Building and District data School calendar, building square footage, nonpublic students evaluated for special education, ineligible preschool students, KG entrance birthdate Financial Data Expenditures, receipts, 5 year forecast Staff Data Demographic, employment information, course information Student Data Who the student is and everything they do in school
Who in the district contributes to your data? What does your data validation process look like? Who participates in your data verification process? Who in your district updates/knows the data? Who has a sense of ownership of the data? Does your district have an EMIS Data Responsibility Sign-off list? What conversations take place around the district data?
How is data submitted? Depending on the collection that is being processed, up to 23 files are extracted out of Student Information. In Student Information all data goes through a series of data verification depending on the collection. All files are then transferred from Student Information into the Data Collector. In the Data Collector each collection is collected, prepared, previewed, certified, and submitted. Each collection goes through this process every time a change is made to the data. Within the Data Collector Level 1 errors are identified and Level 2 reports are returned from ODE. Data is then posted to the Secure Data Center (SDC).
Some things to think about… Does your EMIS Coordinator have help in verifying data? Are district personnel looking at reports that are generated? Do district personnel have the correct security access in Student Information to help verify the data? What staff and student data is being used to update Local Report Card and Funding figures?
FY18 EMIS Reporting Periods All Student Collections are in the ‘S’ report period: Retention Beginning of Year Student Midyear Student End of Year Student Student Cross Reference SOES Beginning of Year Student SOES Student Contacts SOES End of Year Student There are two Calendar Collections – ‘C’ report period: Initial Calendar Collection Final Calendar Collection There are two Staff Collections – ‘L’ report period: Initial Staff and Course Collection Final Staff and Course Collection
FY18 EMIS Reporting Periods Additional Student/Staff collections March Follow-up – ‘D’ report period Graduation Reporting – ‘G’ report period All Assessment collections are reported in report period ‘A’ There are currently fifteen Assessment collections that are reported each fiscal year Financial Collections are reported in report period ‘H’ Financial The Five Year Forecast is reported in report period ‘P’
What tools can districts use to help report/verify EMIS data? There are many useful reports in Student Information that can be printed and reviewed for data accuracy. Some examples are: R101A – Student Roster Detail R102 – Student Roster by Membership CRSE – Course report R703 – Class Lists There are many different EMIS verification processes in each reporting period. Some examples are: UNCLEMIS – student demographic DISCEMIS – discipline MEMBEMIS – memberships MAJOREMIS – majority of attendance IRN ATTUPEMIS – student attendance
Tools – continued Verify – non-reportable students Verify – student gifted records Verify – student special education records Verify – assessment data CTRMEMIS - course and class list records Verify – reportable courses Verify – subject codes There are many Ad-Hoc reports available in Student Information. All reports can be run in an excel format to allow users to sort and filter the data they need. Some examples are: Reports to pull data from the FS/FD/FN tabs 5 credit rule check for high school students Admission calendar comparison
Tools - continued District administrators should have access to the SDC – Secure Data Center to view data already submitted. This data is used for District Local Report Cards. District personnel should have access to ODDEX – Ohio District Data Exchange system. This system is used to facilitate data sharing and communication between EMIS reporting entities. Districts can see conflicts that impact funding and work with other districts to resolve issues. In some situations “flags” can be placed on students that will stop funding. Currently ODDEX houses the following modules: Student Cross Reference SOES CCP Tuition Special Education Assessment Student Enrollment History
Tools - continued The use of EXCEL to sort and filter data before and after data is submitted EMIS manual located on ODE’s website Report explanations located on ODE’s website Checklist documentation located in Student Information in ?Help > Procedural Checklists > EMIS Attend EMIS Trainings that are offered through OME- RESA and ODE
Things to think about… Do you know who generates the funding data in your district? Who is responsible for entering it into Student Information? Is the communication network between these individuals and your EMIS coordinator working for your district? Does your EMIS coordinator have the support and resources necessary to make sure your EMIS data is being reported correctly and in a timely manner? Who monitors the different ODDEX sites? Are you maximizing your funding potential?
The bottom line is…. Communication between personnel needs to occur There is no ‘I’ in TEAM Let’s go team!!