State System Analytics Platform Office of Educational Intelligence State System Analytics Platform OEI Mission The Office of Educational Intelligence’s (OEI) mission is to Increase student success and regional responsiveness through the effective use of data, analytics, and information. To achieve this mission, OEI has developed the State System Analytics Platform to help stakeholders gain access and insight into critical information to enhance fact based, data-driven decision making. Enterprise Analytics Actionable Insights State System’s EdHub Persistence and Graduation SharePoint State System Analyst Career Coach SIMS Data Warehouse Single Sign On Analytics Technology Stack Enrollments and Completions Data Architecture BI and Visualization Advanced Analytics The State System’s Analytics Platform provides robust enterprise wide analytics focused on enhancing decision making through insight and discovery. The platform supports a myriad of reporting capabilities including advanced analytics, business intelligence, and interactive visualizations. It provides access to over 100 key performance indicators in an intuitive integrated solution accessible via Sharepoint. The platform leverages Single Sign On providing stakeholders with the ability to access a multitude of solutions without have to provide separate login credentials. The platform is built on the SIMS infrastructure which is adaptable, modular, interoperable, and configurable. This helps ensure that it meets the information needs and requirements of today, but also establishes a scalable architecture which lays the foundation for future growth and additional data needs. Data Architecture OEI SharePoint Site: The OEI SharePoint site is the centralized repository of State System Analytics Platform. Users can access an array of reports, dashboards, datasets, and information about the State System and its’ students. SIMS Data Warehouse: The SIMS data warehouse is the foundational support to the State System Analytics Platform. It integrates the disparate university datasets and stores them in a centralized repository for consumption by the various analytic solutions. Analytics Technology Stack: In order to support analytics needs at the State System a series of analytics tools and technologies have been implemented. These tools have been selected based on extensive vendor analysis/ evaluation, and are used to support BI, Visualization, and Advanced Analytics. A subset of the tools currently being leveraged include: SAS (VA and Base), QlikView, Tableau, and SSRS Single Sign On: The State System Analytics Platform leverages SSO to standardize analytics delivery on to a single integrated platform. In addition SSO removes the need for users to provide multiple user names and passwords when logging into the solution. BI and Visualization Persistence and Graduation Dashboard: This dashboard solution provides meaningful insight into the factors that influence student retention, persistence, and graduation in the State System universities. Through the use of interactive student data filters, users can answer a multitude of business questions and compare the performance of various student groups. Enrollments and Completions Dashboard: This solution analyzes State System enrollments and completions data in an interactive dashboard. Along with national IPEDs data for benchmark comparison, users can choose from a number of integrated student data filters to compare and discover trends related to student enrollments and completions. Career Coach: The State System’s Career coach is a resource for students to connect education to employment opportunities. Students can search for careers and related degrees, build their resumes, and even take a career assessment to find recommendations based on their personality types, skills, and experience. Advanced Analytics State System’s EdHub: The State System’s EdHub an analytics platform that allows State System’s external and internal stakeholders to intuitively analyze and understand critical university metrics across the system. It organizes over 60 reports, dashboards, and data files into five intuitive domains that allow users to research and analyze State System metrics and data. Users can also view interactive reports to quickly learn about the State System and its’ data. State System Analyst: Analyst is an advanced research toolset compromised of a number of different reports, including the Alumni Insights report and the State System Academic Portfolio. The Alumni Insights dashboard provides labor profile information on State System Alumni. Powered by the EMSI API, the report display’s top Alumni skills, occupations, job titles, residencies, education, employers and more. The Academic Portfolio connects student demand to workforce demand for all instructional programs offered by State System Universities. It answers questions about labor statistics and how they impact the various State System academic programs. Actionable Insights The State System Analytics Platform helps to provide stakeholders with the right information, to make the right decisions, at the right time. In addition, the platform provides stakeholders with actionable insight and analysis to help enhance decision making across the State System.
Quick Access Guide State System Business Analytics Platform Office of Educational Intelligence Quick Access Guide The State System Analytics Platform solutions can be accessed via the OEI SharePoint Site at the following location: The table below contains a sample of the analytic solutions available on the SharePoint site and provides a brief summary of the top business metrics in the solution as well as information on how to directly access the solution. State System Business Analytics Platform Solutions Top Business Metrics Solution Access Information State System Enrollments and Completions Dashboard Student Enrollments Student Completions Avg. Final GPA Avg. Cumulative Credits Student data filters National IPEDS data The solution can be accessed on the OEI SharePoint site at: Once the page loads, click the “Enrollments and Completions” button to view the dashboard Additional information can be found on SharePoint at: State System Persistence and Graduation Dashboard Retention Rates Persistence Rates (2nd, 3rd, 4th ) Graduation Rates (4th, 5th 6th ) System vs. University rates Once the page loads, click the “Persistence and Graduation” button to view the dashboard State System’s EdHub Workforce Statistics Student Performance Alumni Statistics High School Graduations The solution can be accessed on the OEI SharePoint site at:!/ Coming Soon: The State System’s EdHub will soon be available to external stakeholders as well as internal stakeholders. State System Analyst: Academic Portfolio Occupational Data Wage Information The solution can be accessed on the State System Analyst at: Coming Soon: The Academic Portfolio will soon be available all internal stakeholders through the SharePoint site. No login will be required to access the report. State System Analyst: Alumni Insights University Alumni Profiles Alumni Skills Alumni Occupations Alumni Education The solution can be accessed on the State System Analyst at: Career Coach Job search information Resume building Pennsylvania Workforce Needs Assessment Educational Program Supply/Demand Occupational Supply/Demand Workforce undersupply and oversupply gaps Coming Soon: The 2016-2026 Pennsylvania Workforce Needs Assessment will be available through the OEI SharePoint. There will be no additional login requirements to view the report.