Why we need to learn a second language? Because its a ruff world out there
MIAMI HARBOR CHANNEL, MIAMI, FLORIDA Harbor Blasting and Lessons Learned MIAMI HARBOR CHANNEL, MIAMI, FLORIDA Harbor Blasting and Lessons Learned Presented by: Luis Rene Perez, P.E. Senior Project Manager and Terri Jordan Biologist
Presentation Project Overview Port Expansion – A Successful Coordination
Port of Miami Cargo Gateway of the Americas and Cruise Capital of the World
Cargo Largest Container Port in Florida, 5 th on the east coast and 12 th in the nation In FY05, it surpassed the 1 million TEU mark and 9 million total tons, three years in a row Largest import trading region is Europe with 2.09 million tons of trade Largest export trading region is South America with 2.2 million tons Other top trading countries are China, Honduras, Hong Kong, Brazil and Italy Maritime partners call in more than 100 countries and 250 ports around the globe
Cruise Cruise Capital of the World Welcomed 3.6 million passengers in 2005 More mega-ships (200+) than any other port in the world Eight cruise liner call this their port Two new cruise terminals, at a cost of over $30 millions each, are under construction
Economic Creates 110,000 jobs $16 billion annually in regional economy
Project History 42-foot Project Authorized in 1990 Sponsor requested to design and construct the project (Phase I and II) Section 204(e) Agreement executed Phase I completed on Aug 1993 Phase II awarded Sep 1994 to Dutra Construction Project encountered problems associated with hard rock and was not completed in its entirety In April 2004, a PCA was executed to allow the Corps to complete the project
Dredging Contract RFP included a Base Bid and 5 Options –Base bid = USACE Deepening Dredging –Option 1& 4 = USACE Maintenance dredging –Option 2 & 3 = Deepening of berthing areas for POM –Option 5 = POM Maintenance dredging Awarded on 30 Sep to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. Completion date = 20 July 2006
Base - USACE Deepening Dredging Option 1 - USACE Maintenance Dredging Option 2- POM Deepening Dredging of Berthing Areas Option 3 - POM Deepening Dredging of Berthing Areas Option 4 - O&M USACE Maintenance Dredging Option 5 - POM Maintenance Dredging MIAMI HARBOR FLORIDA Contract W912EP-04-C-0024
Major Challenges Federal Funding
Major Challenges (continued) Complexity of Coordination
Major Challenges (continued) Blasting Perception
Major Challenges (continued) Dredging in Biscayne Bay, Outstanding FL Waters –Zero NTUs from background
Major Challenges (continued) Environmental resources –Adjacent Seagrasses –Endangered and protected Species
Contact Luis Rene Perez Senior Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers Phone #:
Amazing what people can do when they put their minds together!!!