Firearm and Hunting Safety
The key to hunting safety is your ability to handle a gun in the right way.
Three Basic Rules Treat every gun as though it is loaded. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. Be sure of your target - and beyond.
Be Extra Alert When... You are inexperienced. When you are carrying a gun over obstacles. When you are plinking. When you first spot game. When a hunting partner forgets or ignores the safety rules.
Loading a Gun Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Open the action and check for correct operation. Leave the action open. Load the magazine. Count your shells. Close the action, loading the chamber. Make sure the safety is on. Double-check. Prepare to carry your firearm safely.
Unloading a Gun Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Open the action to unload the chamber. Remove the clip, empty tube, etc.. Shells should only be ejected from the magazine by working the action if it is impossible to unload the firearm without doing so. Count the shells. Double-check the magazine and the chamber. Make sure the gun is on safety.
Carrying a Firearm Double-hand or Ready Cradle Care Elbow Carry Shoulder Carry Sling Carry Trail Carry
Rules for Carrying Make sure the safety is on. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction and keep it under control. Keep the firearm unloaded until you begin to stalk game.
Crossing Rough Terrain Unload your firearm, or at least unload the chamber. Be prepared to protect your firearm if you should fall. Control the direction of the muzzle. Wear non-slip boots and never run or jump with a loaded firearm. To safely cross a fence, unload, or at least open the action. Lay the gun down and point muzzle in a safe direction. Check muzzle for obstructions when you pick it up.
Shooting Positions Standing Sitting Kneeling Prone
Safety Begins and Ends With You! Above All…... Safety Begins and Ends With You!