Regeneration - Enquiry Question 2 Why might regeneration be needed? 4A.4 Economic and social inequalities changes people’s perceptions of an area. Successful regions ( San Francisco Bay area) have high rates of employment, inward migration (internal and international) and low levels of multiple deprivation but also high property prices and skill shortages in both urban and rural areas. In some regions ( The Rust Belt, USA) economic restructuring has triggered a spiral of decline, which includes increasing levels of social deprivation (education, health, crime, access to services and living environment) in both deindustrialised urban areas and rural settlements once dominated by primary economic activities. There are priorities for regeneration due to significant variations in both economic and social inequalities (gated communities, ‘sink estates’, commuter villages, declining rural settlements).
Regeneration – Priorities for Regeneration By the end of this lesson you will have: Re-capped what makes a place successful or unsuccessful Seen how this then creates priorities for regeneration Applied this to the examples of Winchester vs Llansilin
Learning Outcomes EQ2: Why might regeneration be needed? Content By the end of the lesson, you will be able to explain how council’s identify priorities for regeneration, and give examples of how these priorities differ between contrasting locations. Process We will do this by defining our key terms, looking at some specific priorities for our two areas and doing some extended writing. Key terms Gated communities. ‘Sink estates’. Commuter villages. Declining rural settlements. Urban renaissance.
Re-Cap – Word association I will split the class into two teams with their own whiteboard You have 2 mins to write as many words down which you can remember which link to that topic (keywords, stats, players) You can only write one word at a time, after that, you must pass the pen onto another member of your team (you can go again after if you want to) Which team can get the most words on the board in the time?
How do we establish priorities for regeneration? All UK councils want to transform struggling towns into sustainable communities but to do so, economies need to grow, poverty and deprivation need to be managed and cultures need to mix. The most successful schemes begin with an assessment of the problems, and from these problems, priorities can be established. This is the role of the council’s town planners.
Different types of communities and settlements Gated communities A commuter town is a town whose residents normally work elsewhere, although they live, eat and sleep in the area, they will travel for employment. Sink estates The recent period of repopulation and regeneration of many British cities following a period of inner city urban decay and suburbanisation Commuter villages a decline in rural areas due to mechanisation of farming and subsequent lack of employment, and therefore out-migration Declining rural settlements a residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances and often characterised by a closed perimeter of walls and fences. Urban renaissance a British council housing estate characterised by high levels of economic and social deprivation. Using our case studies from last lesson where do you think we will find the five location areas above?
Priorities for regeneration Your handout shows the major concerns for both Berkshire and Middlesbrough, and the main priorities for the areas. Which do you think is the most important priority for each area? Write a paragraph and give reasons to support your justification.
- Skills shortage (lack of labour) West Berkshire Middlesbrough Major concerns - Skills shortage (lack of labour) - Lack of higher education provision - Small pockets of deprivation - Poor bus services in rural parts - Over reliance on key businesses such as ICT - Lack of affordable housing in commuter villages - Sink estates e.g. East Middlesbrough and Grove Hill, in comparison to relative affluence in gated communities Gap in educational attainment- half of schools in the Borough are ‘requiring improvement’ Main priorities - Deliver 10,500 new homes (mainly on brownfield) - Encourage a mixture of house sizes, types and tenures - Invest in sustainable public transport - The East Kennet Valley Plan- protected employment areas, planning for new homes, improved rail network - Superfast Broadband installed - Protect and enhance sports facilities e.g. Middlesbrough College - Regenerate Greater Middlehaven- invest £215 million to create 1500 jobs, 100 new homes, a new police headquarters ad waterside office developments - Build new high quality housing e.g. 11,500 homes in Grove Hill Print for students