Capacity building of young rural women Mamatha SEdiqa Salwa
Existing Successful Models Pakistan Boy Scouts Magnolia Parents on Sexuality "Troc" – "Say it" – News Show in Albania India – Girl Child Clubs Rights & Life Cycle – Tanzania
India – girl child clubs – UNICEF Tharuni initiative Adolescent girls were mobilised to form in to Girl child clubs – Balika Sanghas They were trained on various issues like SRH, Life Skills, Community development, etc They have been turned into excellent change Agents and could stop Child marriages, mainstream child labour and do lot of community development activities Supported by agencies like UNICEF, Hexagon, Terre Des Hommes Could successfully stop child marriages and child labour
Pakistan Boy Scouts a Brothers join Meena Boy Scouts were used to bring girls to school They could motivate local boys schools to admit girls In one school 80 girls were joined in one attempt Total 2500 girls joined in one year Project by UNICEF in Baluchistan province in the year 2000.
Magnolia parents talking on sexuality In Mangolia parents were trained to talk on Sexuality with their daughters Initially it was embarrassing for girls, but slowly they started asking questions UNESCO – UNFPA program on SRH
Troc – say it – a news show in Albania Albanian a National TV Adolescents started a program called Say it – Telling it as it is This show could bring out what are simple problems the adolescents are facing and help local authorities solving those problems It was a very successful initiative covering 75000 viewers each week Program is Young People's Media Network by Unicef
Troc program images
Rights and lifer cycle – Tanzania Relating duty bearers according to the age of the child called Life –Cycle stage helped in protecting the child rights Different stakeholders like parents, community members, teachers and Govt officials held responsible to protect the rights of the child according to the age group. Adolescents who were already mothers were taken care by community members UNICEF Tanzania initiative
Needs of young rural women a) Improving their capabilities to produce food and to conserve productive resources in the rural environment, b) Improving their skills and abilities in carrying out income generating activities in rural areas c) Relieving population pressure and improving nutrition and the well being of farming families
Needs of rural young girls d) A dramatic decline in most countries in the formal sector job opportunities e) Increasing urbanization and Increasing concentration of resources on urban youth at the expense of rural youth. f) Developing leadership and the ability to work well with others in group and community situations.