Map Link: Europe and the East Roman Empire, 533-600: < shepherd-c-052.jpg>
482 Zeno (r. 474-91) issues henotikon (Act of Union) 484 Pope of Rome excommunicates Patriarch of Constantinople - schism 518 Justinian (deputy to Byzantine emperor) engineers reconciliation of Constantinople and Rome
525 Justinian marries Theodora 527-65 Reign of Justinian as Byzantine Emperor 532 Theodora engineers end of Nika Rebellion
Reviving Roman Civilisation Security and expansion: re-conquering Italy (535-54), N. Africa (533), S. Spain (551). War (527-31) and peace (532) with Persia 2. Codifying Jus Vetus (old law) and Jus Novum (new law). Commissioning Codex Justinianus (528), Digest (530), Institutes 3. Sponsoring building projects Church of Haghia Sophia (bt. 532-37)
602 Persians attack Byzantine territory, take Damascus (613), Jerusalem (614), Egypt (619) 628 Heraclius (r. 610-41) drives Persians out of Byzantine territory, back to Ctesiphon
Aspects of Byzantine Civilisation 1. Regulation of economic activity 2. The Byzantine army and theme system 3. Government and religion. Religious role of emperor 4. Arts and literature Procopius (c. 500-562 or later) Menander (6th c.) Dionysius (5th-6th c.)
Monothelite Schism Early 7th c. Patriarch Sergius suggests that Christ’s natures activated by single will (Monothelitism) 649-55 Papacy of Martin I, who condemns Monothelitism, is arrested by Byzantine forces, tried for treason and exiled 681 Council of Constantinople condemns Monothelitism
Iconoclastic Schism 730 Leo III (r. 717-41) issues first iconoclastic decrees 731-41 Papacy of Gregory III, who condemns iconoclastic decrees 751 Lombards take Ravenna 843 Theodora (r. 830-67) restores images in Byzantine Empire
Corpus Juris Civilis Body of Civil Law: (Codex Justinianus) Digest Institutes
Procopius of Caesarea (c. 500-562 or later) Education for civil service 527 Becomes secretary to Belisarius Works: History of the Wars Buildings of Justinian Secret History