Feb. 19, 2002 Kinh Tieu on LLE presentation I’ll talk a little about Bregler&Omohundro Kinh Tieu with computational experiments Next class: Josh Tenenbaum guest lecturer, Matt Grimes with computational examples.
Comments on LLE paper Note the form of the Science paper: 2 layers—main text and details in footnotes. P. 2325 comparison with isomap very carefully described. Paper ends with a speculative bounce.
NIPS, 1993
Queries for manifolds Completion Nearest point Interpolation Extrapolation
Goal of surface learning
Surface learning
Steps in surface learning K-means clustering to find prototype centers. PCA using a specified number of nearest neighbors at each prototype. Use local variance info to put membership Gaussians at each prototype center. Projection onto manifold surface: Refine model by minimizing mse between training samples and nearest surface point using EM and gradient descent.
Snakes, without manifold-based prior models
With manifold-based prior…