IQRF – Mature technology and fast growing Alliance for IoT & Smart City Šimon Chudoba IQRF Alliance, CEO April 27th , 2017
IQRF Alliance 70+ members – 17+ countries
Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Positioning WPAN Bluetooth LE ZigBee Thread (6LoWPAN) Z-Wave ANT WirelessHART ISA100.11a (6LoWPAN) EnOcean WLAN 802.11 family – WiFi WNAN Wi-SUN (6LoWPAN) ZigBee-NAN Cellular 2G/3G/4G LTE-MTC 5G LP WWAN LoRa Sigfox Telnsa PTC Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) Wireless Neighborhood Area Network (WNAN) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Short range (10-100 m) Short/Medium range (100-1000 m) Medium range (1-10 km) Long range (up to 100 km)
Complementary to other ecosystems NB IoT
IQRF Ecosystem Mature wireless platform for Internet of Things.
Open Ecosystem Any cloud Any GW Any IQRF device IQRF Daemon IQRF Module Any GW IQRF Module Any IQRF device
IQRF Applications
Smart Cities 35k parking places in Budapest 50k+ street lights in Israel 30k+ street lights in CZ and SK Smart City Pisek
Smart Buildings 50k+ shopping malls lights, Mexico Industry hall lighting Industry hall heating CO2, T, RH monitoring
130k+ embankment monitoring in UK Transportation Smart Tire Valve Caps 130k+ embankment monitoring in UK Trailer monitoring Train monitoring
Industry Skoda auto production line monitoring Wireless control of power plants Heavy duty machines monitoring Localization and safety monitoring
And many others Snow gun control in China Beehive monitoring Intelligent cycling jersey with signal lights Remote control of shooting targets
IQRF Summit 2017 Prague, June 6th – 8th 2017 300 participants 30+ speakers Workshops Market Place