Olympic Delivery Authority Biodiversity Action Plan
Introduction Biodiversity Minimise effects of construction on the environment Provide suitable habitat mitigation Deliver new habitat and species enhancements Management and maintenance of habitat
Managing ecology in construction Detailed site surveys Removal of invasive species Translocation of species Creation of off site habitats
Survey results 2010 Highlights Black redstart in the vicinity of the Main Press Centre (MPC) Other sightings include a rare species of pipistrelle bat (Nathusius pipistrelle) at East Marsh. Rare Biodiversity Action Plan invertebrate species using the newly created habitat (i.e. the grassland around the Main Stadium and the log wall in Old Ford). Significant progress with planting of BAP habitat areas
Results Bird species recorded -First sightings include: Black redstart (MPC) Short eared owl (Basketball) Kestrel (IBC)
Species recorded Reptile Grass snake Bat survey results 4 species of bat, key foraging route East Marsh Invertebrate results 2 BAP species fungus beetle and a flower beetle