Starting a Recruitment / Search Waiver Process Presented By Jessica Terwilliger Allen Weber Human Resources Jessica-Introduce team and around room intro’s
Who here has not participated in a Recruitment yet? Ready to Start the Recruitment Process? Who hasn’t been apart of a Recruitment, preparing the paperwork or submitting?
Visit our Human Resource Website Going to our website will give you all the tools you need to complete a successful recruitment! Let’s go look :} Allen will take from here-go to website-forms Show where the forms are, how to access
Common Mistakes can hold the process up! Leaving blank space Not having all your signatures PD is not detailed enough Make sure funding is correct Transition to Search and Screen – Show where Guidelines are
Search and Screen Now that the job is open and posted lets form our committee Click back to UWP RECRUITMENT page and show the S&S Forms – TAM Login
And if all else fails We do have the use of a search waiver to fill a position temporarily until we find that perfect match!
Use of the Search Waiver
What is a Search Waiver Search waiver is used as a temporary solution to the position when a person leaves suddenly or without notice. While you have someone to temporarily fill the void, you should start your permanent search to fill the role. This is a short term solution and should not be used for a long employment.
How to start a Search Waiver Obtain cover sheet form from HR Have the person in mind Submit the cover sheet, PAR, New Hire Form, justification, PD and Resume
Copy of cover sheet
Once the recruitment ends we will have completed our puzzle and department will be complete! Taking the correct steps along with timing will help make your recruitment a successful one! You don’t want to rush it and pick the :best available” or start after most have accepted offers from other competitors. Know your timing, pick a strong committee and get the best candidate for UW Parkside!