It’s not just for breakfast anymore OIL It’s not just for breakfast anymore
Uses of Oil
1 barrel= 42 gallons
FORMATION OF Decayed marine microorganisms heat and pressure
OIL TRAPS need reservoir rock need cap rock to hold oil permeable to seal trap impermeable
Oil traps
EXPLORING FOR OIL In permeable sedimentary rocks seismic studies magnetometers gravimeter drill!
DRILLING Drill bit at end of drill pipe Use drilling mud prevents bit from over heating prevents cave-ins carries cut rock out of the hole drilling facts average 5,000 ft deep (deepest 31,000) average $95/foot
Off-shore drilling
Fracking Force chemical laden water thru fractures and breaks up shale Releases oil and gas Contaminates groundwater?
Fracking links
REFINING CRUDE OIL Distillation Based on boiling points