HOUSING Khizar Nabeel Ali
Contents of Housing Housing definition Maslow hierarchy of need Social goals of housing WHO housing standards Pakistan social and living standards measurement survey 2014-15
HOUSING Housing is the physical structure , surrounding , related communities services and facilities. All places in which a group of people reside and pursue their life goals All necessary services , facilities , equipments and devices needed for the physical and mental health and social wellbeing of the family and the individual.
SOCIAL GOALS OF HOUSING Shelter Family life Access to community facility e.g. health services , school, shopping, worship Family participation in community life e.g. help in need , source of friends, pool efforts to improve living. Economic stability.
CRITERIA FOR HEALTHFUL HOUSING Physical protection Adequate provision for cooking , eating , washing & excretory function Prevention from the spread of communicable diseases Protection from noise & pollution Free from unsafe construction material Promotion of mental health through personal & community development & social relationship
WHO Housing standards
Housing standards 1- SITE Elevated from surroundings Independent access to a street Away from breeding places of mosquitoes Away from dust, smoke, smell, noise and traffic Pleasing surroundings Dry and safe soil
Housing standards 2-OPEN SPACE : An open space all around the house Rural built up area should not exceed 1/3 of the total area Urban : built up area may be up to 2/3. 3- FLOOR: Impermeable / water proof Smooth & free from cracks. Damp proof pedestal should be 2-3 feet high
Housing standards 4-WALLS: Strong Low heat capacity Weather resistant Unsuitable for rats & vermin Not easily damaged Nine inch brick wall plastered smooth and colored cream & white.
Housing standards 5-ROOF: Height of the roof should not be less than 10 feet. Low heat transmitted 6-ROOMS: Number of living rooms should not be less than 2 Number & area of rooms should be increased according to size of family. 1 room 2 persons 2 rooms 3 -4 persons etc
Housing standards 7- FLOOR AREA: Single person 100 sq. Foot For more than one person 120 sq. foot each 8-CUBIC SPACE: Height of the room should be such as to give an air space of at least 500 c. ft. capita.
Housing standards 9-WINDOWS: Every living room should have at least 2 windows. Height should be not more than 3 feet above the ground. Window area should be 1/5 of the floor area. 10-LIGHTING: Day light should enter in room.
Housing standards 13-BATHING & WASHING: 11-KITCHEN Protected against dust and smoke Well lighted Adequate water supply Proper drainage 12-GARBAGE & REFUSE Daily removal in a sanitary manner 13-BATHING & WASHING: Adequate water supply & proper drainage. 14-WATER SUPPLY : Safe and Adequate supply. Balance in put& output .
Housing and Health effects
Housing and Health A strong relationship between poor housing & following conditions 1- RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS: Common cold, T.b, influenza , bronchitis , cough etc 2-SKIN INFECTION: scabies , ring worm, 3-RAT INFECTION: Plague 4-ARHTOPODES : house flies , mosquitoes , bugs
Housing & health 5-ACCIDENTS: Some defects in the structure of home or its environment. Example……….. 6- MORBIDITY & MORTALITY : where housing condition are substandard. 7- PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS: sense of isolation felt by persons living in the upper floors of high building or people living in density populated area leading to behavior disorder. WHO: physiological, Psychological & social needs to be kept in mind.
Places of temporary stay Hostels/ lodging houses Must be licensed with periodic checking Space / person- approx .300 cubic feet. Should have adequate toilets.
Places of temporary stay: Refugee camps/ tent They must be in a single row Must have 10 feet gap between them adequate water and food supply First aid facility.
Thank you ……….