The stimulatory effect of Taxol, epoB, and Disco on tubulin polymerization correlates well with their inhibitory effect on photolabeling of β-tubulin. The stimulatory effect of Taxol, epoB, and Disco on tubulin polymerization correlates well with their inhibitory effect on photolabeling of β-tubulin. (A) Tubulin polymerization assays and photolabeling of tubulin with 2-m-AzTax in the absence or presence of MSAs were carried out as described in Materials and Methods. Tax-, EpoB- or Disco-induced polymerized tubulins were stained with Coomassie Blue (upper panels). Photolabeled β-tubulin (lower panels) was presented as %Control (mean ± SE, n=3-4). (B) Tax-, EpoB- or Disco-induced tubulin polymerization indicated in the upper panels of A was image quantified and plotted. Results were analyzed from three to four experiments and data are presented as mean ± SE. (C) The stimulatory effect of the drugs on tubulin polymerization and their inhibitory effect on photolabeling of β-tubulin were compared and the correlation coefficients determined. Chia-Ping Huang Yang et al. PNAS 2016;113:40:11294-11299 ©2016 by National Academy of Sciences