Membership recruitment 2017 Leadership seminar Our role in the New Evangelization
Three QUESTIONS: Do you believe in what the Knights of Columbus does and what it stands for? Do you want the Knights of Columbus to remain strong and relevant in your parish and community for a long time? If your council is not strong, do you want it to be?
Three QUESTIONS: If the answer to any of those questions is “yes,” recruitment of new members is vital.
“We don’t do this for awards.” Men want to belong to an active and thriving organization. Receiving recognition for your council’s activities is great advertising and proof that your council is doing well. Don’t get the awards for YOURSELF. Get them for the good of YOUR COUNCIL and COMMUNITY.
Identify prospects Parish Drive (pulpit talk, greet before & after Mass, etc.) Go through parish roster with Pastor and send letter (preferably from Pastor) inviting them to join and encouraging them to allow member to come and tell them about the Order
FACT: If you want to have a successful membership drive . . . YOU MUST REACH OUT TO PROSPECTS INDIVIDUALLY AND INVITE THEM TO JOIN
Membership recruitment using “An invitation” Whiteboard Video
four KEYS/Steps TO a SUCCESSFUL MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT APPOINTMENT: Try to meet with both prospect AND wife. Before you tell them anything about the Knights, answer the #1 objection to joining that prospects have (NO TIME). Show video.
Personalized Council Brochure Order #4242
Personalized Council Brochure ORDER #4242
Personalized Council Brochure ORDER #4242
Personalized Council Brochure ORDER #10395
four KEYS/Steps TO SUCCESSFUL MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT APPOINTMENT: After video has played and you have answered any questions, ask: “Is there any reason you shouldn’t join the Knights?”
Thank you!!