Plan Your Journey and Lead Your Life Session 7: LEAD Plan Your Journey and Lead Your Life
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL EVENTS Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” prior to event planning and preparation.
LEAD Each Project must include a Planning Process summary page. Planning Process—A five-step method (identify concerns, set a goal, form a plan, act, and follow up) to help FCCLA chapter members and advisers plan individual, group, or chapter activities. All events must have this and incorporate it into the event and presentation This can be found at Chapter Advisers – Chapter Resources
Events in this Session Job Interview Leadership Life Event Planning Promote and Publicize FCCLA!
Hit a Homerun! Have the right Materials! Must be in an FCCLA STAR Events Binder Page Dimensions 8.5 X 11 Pages & Dividers must be ONE Sided! Divider/ Section Pages Page Protectors
Job Interview 10/13/2018
INFORMATION Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” prior to event planning and preparation.
Evidence of Online Summary Submission INFORMATION Evidence of Online Summary Submission Complete the online project summary form located on the STAR Events Project Resources page of the FCCLA national website and include proof of submission in the portfolio This will be worth one point on the Point Summary Form for the Room Consultant
Job Interview An individual event Recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Science and/or related occupations skills to develop a portfolio, participate in an interview, and communicate a personal understanding of job requirements.
Job Interview Portfolio – A record/collection of a person’s work organized in a format that best suits the project and meets the requirements of the event. Must prepare a portfolio, including a job application, and express their communication skills and job knowledge through an interview. New – There is an addition of current educational level to criteria of job
Job Application A job application must be completed and included in the portfolio. Download the form at content/resources
Two parts to the competition: Specifications: Two parts to the competition: Portfolio Interview
Specifications: Portfolio & Interview Hardcopy Portfolio The portfolio is a collection of materials which must be contained in the official FCCLA STAR Events binder obtained from the FCCLA national emblematic supplier. All materials, including the divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one-sided, and may not exceed 36 pages, as described on the Specifications Page for Job Interview.
Specifications: Portfolio & Interview Electronic Portfolio An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Prezi, or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators and room consultants prior to the oral presentation. The electronic portfolio and the hardware (method) to view it (i.e., equipment, files, projectors, screens, laptops) will be turned in to the room consultant at the designated participation time. Portfolio may not exceed 47 slides, as described on the specifications page for job interview.
Specifications: Portfolio & Interview May be up to 20 minutes Questions will pertain to participants current skill level and the specific job for which they are applying. The portfolio should be used during the interview.
Helpful Links -events/ ployment_application_for_upload.pdf
Leadership Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” prior to event planning and preparation.
Leadership Evidence of Online Project Summary Submission Participants should complete the online summary form located on the STAR Events Resources page of the national FCCLA website and include proof of submission in the portfolio. This will be documented on the point summary sheet of the rubric for Leadership.
Leadership An individual event Recognizes participants who actively evaluate and grow in their leadership potential Use the Student Leadership Challenge or any other leadership inventory and supporting materials, to investigate their leadership ability and develop a mentorship relationship to further their leadership development
Two parts to the competition: Specifications: Two parts to the competition: Portfolio Oral Presentation
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Hardcopy Portfolio The portfolio is a collection of materials used to document and illustrate the work in the official FCCLA STAR Events binder obtained from the FCCLA national emblematic supplier. All materials, including the divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one- sided, and may not exceed 47 pages, as described on the specifications page for Leadership.
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Electronic Portfolio An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Prezi, or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators and room consultants prior to the oral presentation. The electronic portfolio and the hardware (method) to view it (i.e., equipment, files, projectors, screens, laptops) will be turned in to the room consultant at the designated participation time. Portfolio may not exceed 58 slides, as described on the specifications page for Leadership.
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Hardcopy Portfolio Electronic Use the Student Leadership Challenge found on FCCLA Resources Page ( Link on Helpful Links)
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation May be up to 10 minutes Participants should explain the specifics of the project Participants may use any combination of props, materials, supplies, and/or equipment to demonstrate how to carry out the project. Props – An object used to enhance a theme or presentation that does not include visuals, audio/visuals, or costumes/uniforms
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Life Event Planning
INFORMATION Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” prior to event planning and preparation.
NEW INFORMATION Evidence of Online Project Summary Submission Complete the online project summary form located on the STAR Events Resources page of the FCCLA national website and include proof of submission in the portfolio. This will be documented on the Point Summary rubric for the Life Event Planning.
Life Event Planning An individual or team event Recognizes participants apply their skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to manage the costs of an event. Event is defined as any upcoming occasion that will bring changes and/or new experiences and accompanying financial challenges.
Life Event Planning Examples: Preparing to move into a dormitory room Hosting a party/other celebration Operating a vehicle for one month Taking a school trip or personal trip Hosting a family reunion Paying initial costs of a new job Managing costs of attending the prom Paying school expenses for one grade level Participants select an upcoming event in their lives, determine the amount they can budget for the event, and prepare in advance an event portfolio.
Two parts to the competition: Specifications: Two parts to the competition: Portfolio Oral Presentation
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Hardcopy Portfolio The portfolio is a collection of materials used to document and illustrate the work of the project. Materials must be contained in the official FCCLA STAR Events binder obtained from the FCCLA national emblematic supplier. All materials, including the divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one-sided, and may not exceed 31 pages, as described on the specifications page of Life Event Planning.
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Electronic Portfolio An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Prezi, or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators and room consultants prior to the oral presentation. The electronic portfolio and the hardware (method) to view it (i.e., equipment, files, projectors, screens, laptops) will be turned in to the room consultant at the designated participation time. Portfolio may not exceed 42 slides, as described on the specifications page for Life Event Planning.
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation May be up to 10 minutes Presentation is to describe research and planning efforts in detail Portfolio is used by the participant during the oral presentation Participant may use visuals including posters, charts, slides, transparencies, presentation software, and audiovisual equipment
Helpful Links events/ lan.pdf
Promote and Publicize FCCLA!
INFORMATION Review “Eligibility and General Rules for All Levels of Competition” prior to event planning and preparation.
INFORMATION Evidence of Online Project Summary Submission Complete the online project summary form located on the STAR Events Resources page of the FCCLA national website and include proof of submission in the portfolio. This will be documented on the point summary rubric of Promote and Publicize
Promote and Publicize FCCLA! An individual event or team event Recognizes participants who develop an FCCLA promotion and publicity campaign to raise awareness and educate the school, parents, and members of the community about the importance of FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences education. Campaign– Activities to achieve a specific objective Community – A group of people living in the same locality and under the same governance; the region in which ones lives (i.e., family, school, peers, town, city, employment, etc.)
Promote and Publicize FCCLA! The goal of this event is to provide FCCLA members with communications experience to make a difference by increasing membership, developing partnerships, gaining Alumni & Associate involvement, promoting FACS education, gathering school and community support for their chapter, and contributing to the longevity of the organization and the relevance of its opportunities for members. Additionally, this event will increase member awareness of careers in communication and public events.
Three parts to the competition: Specifications: Three parts to the competition: Portfolio Oral Presentation Writing Sample
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Hardcopy Portfolio The portfolio is a collection of materials which must be contained in the official FCCLA STAR Events binder obtained from the FCCLA national emblematic supplier. All materials, including the divider pages and tabs, must fit within the cover, be one- sided, and may not exceed 36 pages, as described on the specifications page of Promote and Publicize
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation Electronic Portfolio An electronic portfolio may be either in PowerPoint, Prezi, or other electronic format that can be viewed by the evaluators and room consultants prior to the oral presentation. The electronic portfolio and the hardware (method) to view it (i.e., equipment, files, projectors, screens, laptops) will be turned in to the room consultant at the designated participation time. Portfolio may not exceed 47 slides, as described on the specifications page of Promote and Publicize.
Specifications: Portfolio & Oral Presentation May be up to 10 minutes Presentation should be explain the specifics of the project Participants may use any combination of props, materials, supplies, and/or equipment to demonstrate how to carry out the project. Props – An object used to enhance a theme or presentation that does not include visuals, audio/visuals, or costumes/uniforms
Specifications: Writing Sample Will be given 10 minutes during competition to develop the assigned writing sample Demonstrate their knowledge of skills needed in the communications field Same writing sample and corresponding information will be assigned to all participants within the same category
Specifications: Writing Sample Evaluated on: Inclusion of correct parts Professionalism Creativity in writing Samples may include, but not limited to press releases, ad copy, letters to the editor, public service announcements, scripting for radio advertisement, an in school or community flyer, and preparing a photograph for publication.
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Don’t be Disqualified! Project should be done in current school year July 1 – June 30 Projects should not be used in 2 events in the same year Don’t redo projects from previous years It should be the student’s own work & creativity