Content & the Supply Chain February 13th 2018
Content & the Supply Chain Market context Challenges: Adding Value To Be: A Future Model Author Tools MVP
Access & Discoverability Content & the Supply Chain Market Context Technology Dissemination Access & Discoverability
Access & Discoverability Content & the Supply Chain Market Context Technology Dissemination Access & Discoverability Open Platforms Open Research SCNs Generic Search Open Access
Content & the Supply Chain Market Context Vocal criticism of publishers as peddling outmoded business models and defending vested interests
Content & the Supply Chain Market Context Criticism of publishers as a proxy for quality
Content & the Supply Chain Market Context Scholarly publishing needs to be sustainable Needs to deliver genuine added value That value needs to be perceived by all stakeholders as well as real
Challenges – Adding Value Content & the Supply Chain Challenges – Adding Value Programme to rethink our supply chains Start with mapping our existing processes Workshops with representation from all functions How can processes be re-engineered to take advantage of new tools and techniques? How can we re-describe tasks to come up with a new “To Be” workflow?
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Publishing timeline divided into key stages 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review
Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Pre-requisites set for each Stage Gate 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown
Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Framed in terms of lockdown 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Project advances when all lockdowns intact 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Aim is to lockdown key aspects at earliest stage 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Including the point at which author’s content is locked Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 4: author-provided content lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model And capture value at the earliest stage 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 4: author-provided content lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown Stage gate 5: copy edit lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Master XML locked down for all outputs 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 4: author-provided content lockdown Stage gate 6: OUP & 3rd party-provided content / layout lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown Stage gate 5: copy edit lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Published versions archived 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 7: publishing complete, Version Of Record archived Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 4: author-provided content lockdown Stage gate 6: OUP & 3rd party-provided content / layout lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown Stage gate 5: copy edit lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model Review of product performance Stage gate 8: end-of-product-life sales review completed 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.3: Kickoff 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review Stage gate 7: publishing complete, Version Of Record archived Stage gate 3: project spec lockdown & contract signing Stage gate 2: final proposal lockdown Stage gate 4: author-provided content lockdown Stage gate 6: OUP & 3rd party-provided content / layout lockdown Stage gate 1: original idea lockdown Stage gate 5: copy edit lockdown
Content & the Supply Chain To Be: A Future Model This high level structure provides for a sequence of stage gates For each stage gate we can then define process elements, and the tasks within each element, necessary to provide successful stage gate passage The next level down of our Future Content Supply Chain model looks like this …
1.4: Project 2.1: OUP editing project management 1.3: Kickoff 1.1: Concept 1.2: Proposal 1.4: Project 1.5: Sales 1.6: Review 4.1: Prospective (unsolicited) authoring 8.1: SME Review of author provided text & assets 2.1: Commissioning & scheduling 2.1: OUP editing project management 3.4: OUP design/production/manufacturing project management 17.1: OUP Marketing & Sales project management/integration 10.4: OUP preliminary print and/or digital design / artwork 10.5: OUP final design work 10.1: Initial design / style select 15.1: Print enrichment creation 18.1: OUP Finance project management/integration 1.3: Kickoff 4.2: Commissioned authoring 7.1: Commissioned & re-used assets – funding/ permissions management 9.1: OUP Review of author provided text & assets 10.2: Firm design / style select 10.3: Plan 3.3: Plan 3.1: Awareness 3.2: Consult 11.1 Ontology identification 11.2 Ontology specification 11.3: Plan 11.4 Ontology development & test 11.5 Ontology implementation 11.1 Metadata identification 11.2 Metadata specification 11.4 Metadata development & test 11.5 Metadata implementation 12.1 Features identification 12.2 Features specification 12.3: Plan 12.4 Features (data model/InDesign template/CSS/functionality) development & test 12.5 Features implementation 16.1: Digital enrichment creation 15.2: Print enrichment integration to XML 16.2: Digital enrichment integration to XML 16.3: Digital publish 5.1: Manuscript semi-auto styling (pre-edit) 6.2: Copy Edit 6.1: MS finalise clean-up & styling (pre-edit) 15.3: Print publish
Future Content Supply Chain Content & the Supply Chain Future Content Supply Chain Roadmap and set of high-level tasks Apply an Agile methodology; SAFe - Scaled Agile Framework Work with Program Increments and development Sprints Currently building an Author Tools MVP for managing content enrichment and updating content
Content & the Supply Chain Author Tools MVP Project team builds on previous projects: Workflow analysis to identify process problems and potential efficiencies a Capability analysis of a range of authoring/content tools undertaken through demonstrations and initial internal testing
Content & the Supply Chain Author Tools MVP Test business case for target benefits: Improved speed-to-market Allow authoring to be handled on a per-MS basis, making publication more flexible Automated roundtrip Word > XML > Word Allow authors to provide us with content that is more complete, feature-rich and less error-prone
Content & the Supply Chain Author Tools MVP Create opportunity to add further target benefits: Built in ontology mapping and citation validation for link generation Selection of templated styles and layout
Content & the Supply Chain Author Tools MVP Build an import and an export module for test content type, trial content workflow from authoring to completion, and deliver publication-ready XML processing and publication Two candidate tools reviewed for MVP: Publish One – for author interface, document management and Word interface Xeditor – for full structured browser authoring
Content & the Supply Chain Author Tools MVP Three parallel workstreams running: Data – content modelling and pipelines User Acceptance Testing Validation – How can we build in validation and guidance at different stages in the workflow?
Test document dashboard in PublishOne Content & the Supply Chain Test document dashboard in PublishOne
Document view in PublishOne Content & the Supply Chain Document view in PublishOne
Content & the Supply Chain Editing view
Content & the Supply Chain Editing view Current sprints will highlight enrichment for cross-references and links for tagging and manual resolution
Content & the Supply Chain Editing view Next Sprints will add link polling and resolution for authors to highlight and query cross-references, and citations and select correct bibitems
Content & the Supply Chain Editing view And to investigate integration with other enrichment engines